To reduce gas prices, joe has been selling a million barrels of oil PER DAY from our reserve. OPEC just undid that
If you've been paying attention,... Wait, you haven't, cuz all you time and attention goes to holding your job so your family won't starve, or graduating from college, or whatever. You don't have time to be concerned about the utter, ghastly failure that the Democrat party has inflicted on this nation.
See, you get your "newz" from the Lying Mainstream Media, which will never tell you damaging truths about Democrats and their corrupt regime. But it turns out there's a big group of independent sleuths out there who ferret out the truth--which isn't secret, but if the Mainstream Media doesn't mention it, how would you ever know, eh?
It's okay. That's why I'm here. So...consider this:
From about 1960 to 2018, the U.S. depended on imports of oil from overseas to for the oil we needed. Americans learned how dangerous that was in 1979, when a group of major oil-exporting countries--OPEC--decided to stop selling oil to the U.S.
Within days we had mile-long lines at gas stations. Many gas stations ran out of gas. States ordered that people with license plates ending with an odd number could only buy gas on odd-numbered days, and really useless shit like that.
When Republicans suggested "Um, why don't we increase oil exploration in the oil-rich U.S.?" the Democrats sneered "That's stupid! You can't just drill your way to energy independence!"
They literally said that, and literally sneered. And the Media ate it up, joining in ridiculing the idea that we could *possibly* produce enough oil to stop meet all our energy needs. Just stupid, eh Media?
Then Trump was elected, and within two years, increased oil exploration--without a dime of tax dollars being spent--resulted in the U.S. producing more oil and gas than ever before in our history.
We were "energy independent."
Then biden was installed, and the first thing he did--literally on the afternoon of the day he was sworn in--was to cancel the Keystone-XL pipeline that was already being built to transport oil from Canada to the U.S. Then a day later he ordered his lackeys at the Interior Department to stop selling leases to drill for both oil and gas on federal lands, and in offshore waters.
He even had the lackeys cancel drilling permits that had already been granted, after companies had spent tens of millions on leases, seismic shooting and assembling other companies to pay part of the cost of these hugely expensive crap-shoots.
Oil production didn't fall right away, but everyone in the industry knew it eventually would--because oil and gas reservoirs are finite, and as you "produce" (remove) oil or gas, production drops off. It's been well known for over a century. And if you're reasonably intelligent you can see what bidens stupidity was about to ensure.
So months before Russia invaded Ukraine, the total daily global demand for oil began to match maximum daily deliverability. When that happens, no company wants to run short, so all companies around the world quietly began to bid a bit more for oil to ensure they'd have enough. And as a result, months before Russia's invasion the world price of oil began to climb.
This immediately made the price of gasoline increase--and voters noticed. And despite biden and his corrupt, clueless female Secretary of Energy, and the Lying Mainstream Media and everyone in the administration bleating that the reason for the increase was "Putin's price hike!!," voters were beginning to connect the dots and blame Biden and his gang of Democrat thieves.
Joe's handlers knew they had to act fast, so they came up with a FAAABULOUS plan! If the price of oil obeyed the well-known laws of supply and demand--a foreign concept to most Democrats, but let's run with it for a minute--then if the increase in world oil price was caused by the fact that world supply was less than world demand by, oh, let's say a million barrels per day, we can fix that!
"Here's how: There's this thing called the "Strategic Petroleum Reserve," which was about 650 million barrels of oil already produced and stored in case of emergencies. So we just have joe issue an "Executive Order" to sell a million barrels per DAY of this stored oil! Voila! World supply and demand restored, price drops, we look brilliant!"
And that's what they did: Since roughly May 1st joe and his merry band of wreckers have been selling a million barrels of oil PER DAY. And instead of just selling to U.S. companies--perish the thought, you xenophobe!--they're selling it to any company. Even to China, which can use it to fuel fighter jets and tanks and ships get it.
They've now sold off almost 200,000,000 barrels, or about half the oil that was in the SPR. And sure enough, obeying the law of supply and demand, the world price of oil has fallen from about $110 per barrel to about $90. Yay!
Needless to say, major oil-exporting nations weren't happy about this, since the lower price was costing exporting nations tens of millions of dollars every day. Ouch. But joe and his brilliant handlers just shrugged. "Hey, free markets can be brutal, right exporters?" But what happened next showed that leaders of other nations harmed by a biden policy will...react. So two weeks ago, what do you think happened?
OPEC had a meeting, and voted to CUT their TWO million barrels per day.
Let that sink in for a minute. OPEC's decision means joe's selling almost half the oil in the nation's "Strategic Petroleum Reserve" has been undone, and then more. Yes, it temporarily caused a drop in the price of oil, and thus gasoline. joe even asked the Saudis to delay the cut until after the midterm elections, but the Saudis wouldn't budge.
But hey, it wasn't a wasted effort cuz joe and the Dems DID get gas prices to fall by almost a dollar a gallon in the critical weeks just before the midterms. And all it cost was selling off almost half of our Strategic Petroleum Reserve!
"We Dems are SO brilliant! Gaze upon our brilliance, you deplorable serfs, and despair!"
Of course you knew that, right? After all, it (surprisingly) made the news in the Lying Media, but only for a few seconds, never to be mentioned again.
This was a direct, very clear, unmistakable "fuck you" to biden. And the Pedodent got the message, and retaliated by calling Saudi Arabia a "pariah nation."
Now, there are only two possibilities: Either the group of "brilliant" advisors and "handlers" identified this possibility but were
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