CDC "considering" making duh jab part of the *mandatory* suite of vaccines for any kid to attend public school
The Chyna virus was hyped from the very beginning. Though it soon became clear that it was an opportunistic killer not much more dangerous than the flu (if you knew how to treat it), the Media scared every American into supporting gruberment policies--masking, "social distancing" and finally the jab--that they never would have accepted without the fear of death.
Skeptics (instantly labeled "anti-vaxxers" by the Lying Mainstream Media) claimed the data showed that the so-called “vaccines” didn’t prevent infection or transmission. The CDC and FDA bleated that dis wuz "disinformation"--dis could not POSSIBLY be true! But eventually they admitted it was true.
So next they went to the fallback position to support continuing to FORCE every American to take the ineffective jab: The CDC and FDA *claimed* that vaxed people who got the Chyna virus (something they previously claimed could NOT happen!) had less-severe outcomes! Yay vax! But no one has ever done an actual, controlled, blinded study on that, so that claim can't be confirmed--which they knew.
They just expected that with support from the Mainstream Media, Americans *would* believe it.
But consider that for people under 60 with no "co-morbidities," duh Chyna virus isn't a threat--unless you get put on a "respirator," which will kill half the patients dead as a door-nail.
So there is literally no *good* reason to force people under 60, with no co-morbidities, to take the jab--and yet the CDC is now considering making the useless “vaccine” mandatory for kids in order to go to public school.
To re-phrase: Mandating the jab it isn’t just ridiculous, it’s evil. You need to understand that.
It's worth noting that Democrats weren’t satisfied with forcing every American to wear the mask. That wasn’t invasive enough, it didn’t satisfy their desire to dominate others. By contrast, forcing people to take an untested injection demonstrated total submission to their control.
Unless you're medically trained, almost no one understands what a great protection the human skin is in resisting attacks by pathogens. Injections bypass that protection. That's why injections need to be extremely thoroughly tested. This one wasn't.
Taking the jab showed the rulers what percent of the U.S. population would submit to the most invasive, unsupported bullshit.
That was crucial because tyrants can't win unless they have a mass of enablers. That mass of stupid sheep who will submit to anything is like oxygen to the fire of tyrants. The last three years proved there are more than enough sheep to give tyrants room to rule.
If you allowed your kids or grandchildren to take the jab, may God have mercy on them. But don't worry: only one person in 500 or so has any serious "adverse effects." So your kids probably won't be the unlucky ones.
And even if they have a dire "adverse effect," no one can *prove* the jab caused it, eh? So you can sleep well at night. And you can feel good, because you obeyed the orders. You did as your rulers demanded.
You're a compassionate, good citizen. Virtuous. And in the final analysis, isn't that all that matters?
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