October 22, 2022

A brief history of the FBI--supposedly honest, and tasked with finding spies in the U.S. But turns out...

Most Americans are good people.  Unfortunately, good people believe most others are also good people.  So just as you wouldn't lie to your kids or friends, you don't expect high-level government officials to lie to you.  Pedophiles and other criminals, sure.  But not government officials or the Media.  And unfortunately, top government officials and the Media know that--and exploit it.

Let me explain:  As the FBI uses dozens of agents armed with machineguns to arrest innocent Americans for non-crimes, more and more Americans are starting to have questions about possible corruption in the FBI--an agency always described by your Lying Mainstream Media as "the nation's top law-enforcement agency."

What you don't know is that the man who was the Director of the FBI from 1924 to his death in 1972 was almost certainly being blackmailed by members of organized crime because they had photos proving he was homosexual.  

Here's Wiki on Hoover: 

Many writers believe Hoover's denial of the Mafia's existence and his failure to use the full force of the FBI to investigate it were due to the fact that Mafia gangsters Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello's had obtained incriminating photos of Hoover in the company of his protégé, FBI Deputy Director Clyde Tolson.

"In the company of his protege," eh?  How wonderfully vague!  The Mafia caught the two men in bed in a hotel, and back then if those pics had been leaked, the two would likely have been fired.  But because telling the truth about Hoover and his lover would hurt the FBI's sterling reputation among naive Americans, the Leftists who run Wiki chose to be deliberately, totally uninformative.

Several Mafia figures later laughingly explained how it happened: Since every Washington insider knew Hoover and Tolson were gay lovers, and that they were staying in a certain hotel room, Mafia members broke into the hotel room and photographed Hoover in bed with Tolson.  According to the Mafia Hoover was wearing an explicitly-described red dress.

Oh wait, I forgot:  You don't believe a word of that.  And I don't blame you:  You can't believe a) that the damn director of the FBI was openly gay; or b) that everyone in Washington knew it--but no one outside DC.  Cuz the Media would never rat out the FBI.

So take a look at how the NY Times sanitized Tolson's obituary.  They never explicitly state the relationship, but it's full of obvious hints that Tolson and FBI head J. Edgar Hoover were homosexuals:

Clyde A. Tolson, former associate director of the FBI, and for more than 30 years the closest friend and associate of its director, J. Edgar Hoover, died yesterday (April 14, 1975) in Washington.

Mr. Tolson was 74 years old and lived in the Georgetown home willed to him by Mr. Hoover, who died three years earlier.

Throughout his long associatiion with Mr. Hoover, Mr. Tolson was the only person privy to the details of Mr. Hoover's activities.  [?? What do you think the writer meant by this?]

Like Mr. Hoover, the broad-shouldered Mr. Tolson was a bachelor. The two men dressed alike, lunched and dined together almost daily and vacationed together.

Mr. Tolson's tenure at the FBI began in 1928.  He remained on active service in the FBI for 44 years, with Hoover allowing him to stay on past the mandatory age of retirement.

Two days after Hoover's death, Tolson resigned.

Hoover left almost his entire estate [worth about $4 million in current dollars] to Mr. Tolson.

Tolson joined the FBI in 1928.  After serving in FBI field offices in Boston and Washington *for less than a year,* Tolson was promoted to FBI headquarters.

*Barely a year after arriving at FBI headquarters,* in a move that astonished most FBI agents, Hoover appointed Tolson an "assistant director" of the FBI.  >>

<<Read that again: Barely a year after arriving, Hoover appointed Tolson an "assistant director."  Perfectly normal, eh?  Not a hint of...um...a "special relationship.">>

In 1938 Hoover appointed Tolson to "assistant to the director" (i.e. as Hoover's personal assistant).

In 1947 Hoover appointed Tolson "Associate Director."

Even after Tolson reached the mandatory retirement age in 1970, Hoover explicitly allowed Tolson to remain in his job.

In 1966, Democrat president Lyndon Johnson awarded Hoover's lover a gold medal for "distinguished Federal service." >> 

Now, if you think Lyndon Johnson and all high-level FBI officials and most Democrat members of congress didn't know Hoover and Tolson had been gay lovers for 40 years, I've got some oceanfront property in Nebraska I'd be happy to sell ya.  

Yet the corrupt Lyndon Johnson--the corrupt president of the country--still personally gave Tolson a gold medal, for "distinguished Federal service."  This sort of thing is done to fool gullible Americans into thinking the FBI (and the rest of the Deep State "real" government) is honest, when the truth is it's ALWAYS been corrupt.

You almost certainly don't believe any of this, just as you don't believe the covid virus was modified in a Chinese lab to make it more lethal to humans.  Just as you believe the "vaccine" will keep "vaccinated people" from getting covid--even though the CDC itself finally admitted the obvious: that it didn't do any such thing.

In fact you probably don't know that the CDC literally changed the official definition of "vaccine" to make the covid jab qualify (when it didn't qualify under the previous, historic definition).

It's not your fault that you believe whatever the Mainstream Media and the gruberment tells you is true, or that you refuse to believe anything those lying rat-bastards tell you is NOT true.  You believe what they say because you think they're honest and want the best for you.

Both those things are false.  All they want from you is that you keep working and paying your taxes, period.

You just read how the NY Times--one of the nation's top Leftist papers--sanitized Tolson's obit to conceal the truth.  Now watch how Wikipedia--totally run by Leftists, so they hide or camouflage any unpleasant truth about Democrats/liberals--says about Tolson:

    "It has been stated that J. Edgar Hoover described: "They rode to and from work together, ate lunch together, and often traveled together on official or unofficial business." Their relationship has been described as "what many considered a spousal relationship between the two men."  
    Some authors dismiss the rumors about Hoover's sexual orientation and possible intimate relationship with Tolson, while others have described them as probable or even confirmed.
    The two men often spent weekends together in New York, Christmas season together in Florida, and the start of the Del Mar horse racing season together in California.[26]
    When Hoover died in 1972, [he left his entire estate, valued at $3.6 million in 2022 dollars, to Tolson, who moved into [Hoover's former home].

If the leftists who run Wiki admit these facts, it's what the law calls "an admission against interest," meaning it's given extra credence, since normally they'd be unwilling to admit it, eh?

Now, among the things the Mainstream Media has convinced you to believe is that everything gay is just peachy.  Let me explain why the not-at-all-secret, 44-year homosexual relationship between the head of the FBI and his male lover and hand-picked "assistant director" was hugely damaging to our nation:

The relationship was obvious to all the top officials at the FBI. Almost all Washington insiders knew--meaning the Soviets and the mafia also knew.  Why is that bad for the U.S.?  Because if either could get proof, they could blackmail the FBI director into NOT investigating Soviet spying or mafia crimes.

And that's exactly what happened.  Back when New York City was totally dominated by the mafia, Hoover was called to testify before congress about rumors of mafia control of NYC drug sales, numbers rackets, trash hauling contracts, construction and the totally corrupt NYC city council--all of which were Mafia controlled and total cesspools of corruption.

Hoover testified before congress that the mafia [he used the term "La Cosa Nostra"] was not operating in the United States.

It was a brazen lie, and everyone in NYC and DC with an IQ over 80 knew it.  

Do ya think watching the f-ing *director* of the f'ing FBI--an agency the Media always called "the nation's top law-enforcement agency"--would have had a corrosive effect on young FBI agents, or any young person who knew what was really going on?

Of course it would have.  And how many thousands of crimes went uninvestigated because of orders from some never-named official in the FBI?  How many Soviet spies--many of them FBI agents!--were allowed to flee to Moscow rather than being arrested?

Answer: We know of dozens, and there are likely more that have never been identified.
Google "FBI agents who spied for Russia."  

FBI agent Robert Hanssen spied for Russia for 22 years, but for some reason the FBI didn't detect him.

Edwin Pitts was an FBI agent whose job was to identify KGB spies in the U.S.--and then to try to recruit them as double-agents who could be used to send the Soviets bogus information.  But Pitts--the supposed spy-hunter--was himself a Russian spy.  Think about that for a minute: When the agent assigned to hunt Soviet spies is himself a Soviet spy, do ya think the agency will be uncovering any spies?  Of course not.

In that post Pitts had access to every detail of highly classified operations, including the identities of invaluable "double agents" in the Soviet Union (members of Soviet intelligence agencies who were providing information to the U.S.), and the identities of other U.S. agents in the Soviet Union.

Pitts also told the Soviets the FBI's procedures for surveilling Russian intelligence officers--which would explain why non-corrupt FBI agents so rarely caught a Soviet spy contacting an asset or picking up information at a drop site.

So how did the vaunted, faaaabulously competent FBI finally discover that their own agent--in the key anti-spying post--was actually working for the Soviets?  Turns out they never suspected a thing, and only learned of Pitts' spying because his KGB handler, Alexsandr Karpov, defected to the United States and named Pitts as one of his agents.   

The FBI later admitted that Pitts had given the Russians a list of all Soviet agents the FBI knew of in the United States, allowing them to escape to the Soviet Union instead of being arrested.

Isn't that faaaabulous, citizen?  Dis beez duh nation's "top law-enforcement, anti-spy agency"...and they couldn't find their ass with both hands.

Wait, it gets better.

Pitts' plea bargain required him to submit to FBI debriefings. During one such debriefing in 1997, Pitts said he didn't know of any other Soviet spies in the FBI, but that he was suspicious of an FBI agent named Robert Hanssen.

Despite this explicit identification, the FBI failed to even investigate Hanssen, whose horribly damaging spying for the Soviets continued for four more years, until 2001.

Think about that:  A known Soviet spy in the FBI identified another agent by name as a likely spy, yet the FBI failed to act on this explicit warning.  It's almost as though someone higher up the FBI organization told subordinates not to investigate Hanssen.

Richard W. Miller was the first FBI agent to be convicted of spying.  He was alleged to have provided classified documents, including an FBI counterintelligence manual, to KGB agents in Los Angeles after demanding $50,000 in gold and $15,000 cash.

In October of 1990 Miller was convicted on all counts, and in February of 1991 he was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Then, in a move not explained by the Wiki authors, an unnamed federal judge reduced Miller's 20-year sentence to 13 years.

In a second inexplicable event, again not unexplained by Wiki, in May of 1994 Miller was released from prison after serving just three years of the original 20-year sentence (after that sentence had inexplicably been reduced to 13 years by the unnamed federal judge).

Do you think the leftists who run Wiki simply didn't notice these unexplained--and clearly odd--reductions?  Of course they noticed.  So why didn't Wiki explain 'em?  It wasn't due to space limitations, as the Wiki leftists gave us the irrelevant detail that "While in prison Miller trained to become a computer tech."  But the significant stuff?  Ignored.  

That isn't an accident.  Wiki ignored it because those details would show readers that the fix was in.

What could prompt two U.S. judges to release this known, proven Russian spy after serving just 3 years of his "20-year sentence"?

In the absence of any uncorrupt explanation, we're left with either corruption or incompetence.  And I'll go either way you wanna go on that.  Either way, no one with an IQ over 80 should trust the FBLie to be honest, or to obey U.S. law.

The FBI is supposedly responsible for arresting spies in the U.S.  But somehow they (supposedly) missed Aldrich Ames, who worked for the CIA while spying for the Soviets.

Time after time, KGB defectors have named FBI agents as spying for the Soviets, yet the FBI never investigated the claims.  Gosh, that's...interesting, eh?

Starting to get the picture yet?

Nah, you aren't.  You simply can't believe any of it is true.

Say, be sure to get your 2-year-old the latest "booster," citizen.  It's "safe...and effective."


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