October 20, 2022

College students support Democrat candidate, have no idea why, can't name any policy they like

Watch video here.

Not all Democrats are stupid...but a HUGE percentage seem to be as dumb as these students from the U. of Texas-Austin.  The gal with the mic asked dozens of students who they planned to vote for in the governor's race.  Almost all said "Beto."  If they did, she asked 'em why.  "Tell me one of his policies that have convinced you to vote for him."

Without exception they said "I have no idea about his policies," or "Cuz my friends like him," or "Because he's a Democrat and I'm a socialist."  And so on, ad nauseum.

The interviewer even asked a couple of the guys "Texans seem to like guns, and Beto has said he wants to confiscate guns.  Would that bother you?"  And the answers were "No," or "That doesn't concern me."

These clueless people--who vote--are enabling evil, corrupt Dem "leaders" to kill the U.S. as you've known it.  Their responses suggest they know nothing about the Constitution or the concept of inalienable rights, or indeed ANYTHING about the principles that made the U.S.--for at least 50 year--the greatest country on Earth.

If you're a young American, you think things have always been like this.  If you're an adult but haven't talked extensively with college students, you have no idea that college students are this clueless about politics.  Actually they're not clueless, they're fucking socialists.

Thanks, Democrats!  Thanks, Media!



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