September 02, 2022

"Unexpectedly," Americans aren't eager to get their one-year-olds jabbed. Democrats upset!

Politico headline: "Covid vaccine drive for youngest kids off to underwhelming start"

Sub-head: "Hesitant parents and challenging logistics are slowing the effort to get the nation’s youngest protected against Covid-19"

Ten weeks after the FDA and CDC opened the door for children under 5 years old to receive Covid-19 vaccines, the national drive to get the youngest children protected is off to an underwhelming and uneven start.

Just over 5 percent of eligible babies and toddlers nationwide have received their first dose at this point, a significantly slower pace than older kids and teenagers, CDC data shows. And there’s a growing political divide, including a swath of Republican-controlled states hovering at less than 2 percent even as concerns mount that there may be a Covid infection surge this fall.

But even in the most enthusiastic states, the vast majority of young children have not yet received their first dose. A mix of parental hesitance, more limited opportunities for vaccine administration and unique logistical challenges for the youngest age group have slowed the flow of shots to a trickle.

Note the propagandist's use of "psychologically-loaded" phrases like "uneven start."  That phrase serves to blame those reluctant to put their kids at risk.

What could possibly have soured Americans on getting their one-year-old jabbed, eh?  It's a mystery.



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