September 01, 2022

Shocked Europeans hit with hugely higher energy bills--and we're not even close winter yet. But no worries...

Wait, you don't live in Europe, so if you're a Democrat you think this has nothing to do with you, eh?

Actually what we're seeing happen TODAY all across Europe is coming here--and sooner than you think, because the moronic Democrat thugs running your government have issued DECREE after DECREE that have crippled the U.S. energy industry.

Democrats: "Dat okay, I don' drive no nasty gas-powered cah.  I drive one o' dem Faaaabulous EV's!  An' Dear Leader's hand-picked Secr. of Energy--that brilliant jennifer granholm--tol' us duh 'lectric cahs don' use no energy!  Yep, she said if'n we buyed duh 'lectric cah we could jus' roll on past dem ol' gasoline stations an not worry'bout duh price of duh gas!  She even laff  'bout dat, so mus' be true!  She reel smaht, that jennifer!  Dat why Dear Leader pick her to head duh Energy Department, eh?"

And that, fellow Americans, is what you're up against in November:  People who can't add two 3-digit numbers, don't know how many U.S. senators there are, don't know what nations border the U.S., don't know how many states.  And their votes count as much as yours.

So back to Europe:  The cost of residential utilities has tripled in two months.  Whatever you're paying in total gas+electricity today, imagine if it goes to three times the current bill, eh?

But that's just half the problem.  The rest is that tens of thousands of pubs and small cafes are being forced to close after their energy bills increased five-hundred percent!  Everyone who owned those establishments or worked at one will be out of a job.  What does that do to unemployment costs, and tax revenue?

Democrats: "Dat FAKE NEWZ!  Dat can't happen here!  Cuz see, all dem win'mills ya see everywhere, dey gibs us all duh power we need!  AOC an' Nancy Pelosi say so, so mus' be true!"

Really?  Do you people even know what a "kilowatt-hour" IS?  Do you have even the faintest idea how many megawatts a normal coal- or gas-fired powerplant makes?  How about the average windmill?

What's happening in Europe is already starting to happen here, as biden keeps selling a million barrels of our oil from our "Strategic Petroleum Reserve" to Europe or China every DAY.

How many Americans have even the faintest idea how many barrels of oil are IN the SPR?  Answer: virtually no one.  So when you read that the Porridgebrain regime is selling off a million barrels of that oil every DAY, you have no idea if that should concern you.  But don't feel bad: most other Americans have no idea either.  And of course the Lying Mainstream Media won't explain.

Wait...they'll "explain" all right, but they'll be lying.  It's what they do.  It's who they are.  Anything to support the Democrat regime.

Hey, no worries, citizen!  It's all good!  Goldman-Sachs now predicting 22% inflation for the U.K. if the recent spike in energy prices doesn't reverse.  But don't worry, they WILL reverse.  After all, when the price of gasoline spiked from $2.25 per gallon when biden was installed to $5 per gallon, it eventually dropped back to a mere $4.55 per gallon average, eh? worries, peasants!



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