July 16, 2022

"You get what you vote for." And what do you get when you vote Dem vs. America-first?

There's an old saying that you get what you vote for.  At least that was true until the Dems discovered they could steal elections without consequence.  But if possible let's ignore that for a moment.

When you vote for Democrats and RINOs you get:
   *massive increases in already-deficit spending, which causes record-high inflation; which means...
      *higher food prices and interest rates, higher costs to build homes and businesses;
   *destruction of the oil industry, which causes record-high prices for BOTH gasoline and diesel fuel, which causes...
      *higher transportation costs, which causes...
          *higher prices for everything;
   * higher rents and depleted savings;

   * mandatory "vaccination" with a non-working "vaccine" that kills tens of thousands of people;
   * open borders, with 2.5 to 3 MILLION illegals pouring over the southern border every year, welcomed by the corrupt Dems, contra to U.S. law;
   * higher crime, as Dem DA's refuse to even charge for thefts under $1,000; and releasing thugs without even requiring a single dollar of bail;
   * massive tax increases (Dems scream that they want to "undo the Trump tax cuts!")
   * white school-children taught to feel guilt about being white;
   * fines and being fired for using an accurate pronoun;
   * schools pushing 57 genders, gay and tranny transitions on 8-year-olds, and arresting parents who object;

But of course as an educated, well-informed American you should already have known all these things, right?  

Wait...you say you *didn't* know a lot of the above?  That's because you get your "newz" from the Lying Mainstream Media--which doesn't want you to know ANY of the above.

When you vote for America-First Republicans (like Trump) you get
   * low inflation, which means...
      * your savings for retirement will actually be worth something when you finally retire!
   * $2 a gallon gas
   * lower interest rates
   * criminal thugs prosecuted and jailed;
   *jobs coming back to America due to restoring Trump's brilliant tariffs on crap imported from China.

You can either believe the Lying Mainstream Media (including Fox)...or your lying eyes. (Remember what life was like when Trump was President?)

Every damn multinational corporation wants you to vote Democrat because Dem policies give them more power and profits. It's why every damn one of 'em does everything possible to be "woke."

The Media want you to vote Democrat because they love to see the U.S. weakened, unable to influence the world except by giving billions of your hard-earned taxes to corrupt foreign powers.

You can either vote for what makes *your life* better, or you can vote for who the wokie mega-corporations and the America-hating Mainstream Media tell you to vote for.

It's not rocket science.


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