July 15, 2022

CDC is promoting secret chat-type apps encouraging mentally-ill children to go gay or tranny. Seriously.

What do you think the mission of the CDC is?

Something about "controlling diseases" or gathering data that would help the government identify diseases that were just beginning to appear, or something similar, right?

Turns out they've...um...changed the mission a bit.  Without telling anyone:  The CDC is now promoting

  • Q Card Project
    The Q Card is a simple and easy-to-use communication tool designed to empower LGBTQ youth to become actively engaged in their health, and to support the people who provide their care.
  • Q Chat Space
    Q Chat Space is a digital LGBTQ+ center where teens join live-chat, professionally facilitated, online support groups.

These apps are cunningly designed with "quick hide" buttons that instantly take the viewing device to a stock Google search page, so young users can hide their queer and tranny goals from parents.  Cuz heaven forbid that parents should have the chance to counteract the gay mafia's programs to recruit.

And you have to love the cunning use of propaganda words and phrases that seduce relatively powerless 12-year-olds (or any other young age) into feeling powerful by joining: "empower LGBTQ youth," for example. 

And note how the CDC promotion mentions the goal of "supporting the people who provide their  care."  Who does the CDC think that is, eh?  Evidently not a child's parents. I'd love to see all the top CDC officials hauled before congress and be asked to explain the meaning of that phrase.

Then there the phrase "professionally facilitated."  That apparently means adults "Q chat space" isn't just kids chatting with other kids, but includes pro-gay, pro-trans adults offering...guidance.

Of course if that sounds like grooming you're just unenlightened, comrade.

Similarly, if you're not sure how any of the above squares with "disease prevention and control," report to the camps immediately for re-education.  And we'll call that "treatment."  Of you

(Just in case the CDC deletes their webpage promoting the two sites above, you can find their original page archived here.  Because as we've seen, the regime will alter official transcripts to remove evidence of...anything they don't want you to see that they did.)


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