July 15, 2022

Alberta, Canada, says deaths reported as "cause unknown" rose over 100% in first year the jab was available


Alberta, Canada, is a pretty civilized place.  Few murders, no crazies pushing people in front of subways, no murderous thugs of unspecified race shooting people in "botched robberies."  For years the leading cause of death was "dementia." 

But starting last year the leading cause of death in Alberta was taken over by..."Unknown."  

And not just by a little bit.  In 2020, 1,464 deaths in Alberta were reported as "cause unknown."  In the next year (2021, when the jab became widely available) that jumped to 3,362, according to statistics from the province's government.

To repeat (so you can catch any typos):: In 2020, 1,464 deaths were classified as "unknown," but in 2021 that skyrocketed to 3,362 "cause unknown" deaths--more than double the number a year earlier.

Now if the number had gone from, say, 2 to 5, one could reasonably argue that the sample was too small to be statistically significant.  But 1,464 to 3,362 is such a large group that no rational adult can claim it's not significant.

But what does that stat tell you, eh?

Democrats: "It don' tell yew a single thing!  Yew jus' tryin' ta use this isolated stat from some alleged "province" in some faraway place to make us think duh vax is dangerous!  We way too smaht to believe yo' right-wing-extremist conspiracy stories!  Vax bees perfectly safe!  Gruberment and CDC and FDA tol' us over an over, vax be 'safe and effective'!  If not true dey couldn' say dat!"

Okay, sparky, what's your explanation for well over a 100% increase in unexplained deaths?

Democrats: "Uhhh...um...well...obviously it was due to Global Warming!"





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