July 13, 2022

Newest vandalism from Leftists/liberals: slashing tires on SUVs

A group of "climate activists" are slashing tires on cars they don't like, in several U.S. cities.  The goal is to intimidate owners of SUV's to sell their cars and switch to...well the global-warming screamers don't  actually say.  If you switch to a smaller gas-powered car they'll eventually slash that too.  Switch to a big EV and they'll eventually slash that one too.

They say their goal is "to make it impossible to own a huge polluting 4x4" in cities.

They want you to use public transit to get your kids to their soccer practice or music lessons.  Cuz public transit doesn't emit the dreaded poison called "carbon dioxide."

Oh wait, it does.  But we'll analyze that later.

The group encourages like-minded leftists to join them in slashing tires of  SUVs, and has already slashed tires in leftist shitholes of Chicago and around the San Francisco area.  And oddly, in Scranton, PA.  They're using Twatter to brag about doing it.

A spokesperson for the group told Fox News "If you own an SUV, scrap it before we get to it," and said the group expected to "expand massively" across the U.S. in the coming weeks.

Isn't that cute?  Dem "special snowflakes," slashing your wife's or mom's tires to make you buy a smaller car.  They even have a web page!  "tyreextinguishers.com".

The group says it wants to force people to sell their SUVs because it claims they are a "disaster for our health, our public safety and our climate."

"Bigger and bigger cars are dominating our towns and cities, and all so a privileged few can flaunt their wealth," the group's website says.

The website tells activists how to quickly deflate tires, and offers a text so vandals can print a leaflet to leave on targeted vehicles, telling the victim to not "take it personally" that their tires were deflated.

The "logic" is amusing:  They claim walking, cycling and public transit are just as easy as driving.  If you've ever had to ride a bus or subway while carrying anything bigger than a loaf of bread you know that claim is horseshit.  Another bit of "logic" from these morons: "Driving a hybrid or electric? Those are still polluting [and] dangerous."  But wait, EVs are small, and you claimed SUVs were deadly because they were large.  So how can you claim EV's are "dangerous"?  

Oh yeah: they catch fire and you can't put the fire out with water.  But the snowflakes likely aren't thinking about that.  They just wanna fuck up your day to make you submit.

And how can you say an EV still pollutes?  I thought the Greenies screamed that EVs were, like, totally non-polluting!  Those of us who know how electricity is made know better, of course, but the Left has continued to make that claim.  Guess this particular lefty group is now admitting we were right and their comrades were lying.

I just wonder how the rat-bastards will know which SUVs belong to Democrats, so they won't slash those tires, eh?  Cuz you don't think they'd slash the tires of a good biden voter, do ya?  Cuz that would be...priceless!  Cuz it's been Democrats who've coddled all these brain-dead shit-heads in the riots and arson and looting of 2020 to convince 'em they could get away with this crap.  And then Soros DAs refuse to prosecute.

Now, for those of you who know as much about tires as you know about neurosurgery, tire shops refuse to repair a tire with a slashed sidewall, meaning that if the cutely-named "Tyre Extinguishers" slash your tires, you're looking at roughly $200 per tire.to get going again. 

Welcome to LibWorld.  Thanks, Democrats, for lying to dummies and convincing 'em that a) increasing CO2 levels are causing Global Warming sorry, "climate change;" and b) that a significant amount of the increase in CO2 is caused by combustion.

Both are false, but you stupid Democrats have pushed this shit SO relentlessly that millions of naive, impressionable, emotional, scientifically illiterate young people believe it.

Thanks, assholes.  When your kids are freezing in the dark, I hope you eventually realize your profound stupidity. 



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