July 15, 2022

NY Times essentially says Joe Manchin is "the man who single-handedly doomed humanity."

Joe Manchin is a Democrat senator from West Virginia, and seems to have some sense much of the time.  Thus he opposes much of the Democrats' stupid policies, like forcing all taxpayers to pay for incentives to buyers of electric cars.  

So naturally the NY Times wants him gone.  And to do that they've published a hit-piece quoting a powerful Dem (and former head of Hilliary's failed campaign) as calling Manchin "the one man who single-handedly doomed humanity."  

Wow, "the one man who single-handedly doomed humanity," eh?  Yes, I realize they did this by quoting Democrat fatcat John Podesta, but the Times gave no hint that it disagreed.  

If you ever thought the Times was a serious "newzpaper" you now have the evidence.  They sound like a bunch of 15-year-old girls trashing their parents for not letting 'em have the latest $1,000 Iphone.

This, friends, is what we're up against.  Snowflake drama queens posing as adults.  People who wouldn't know how to change a tire, yet think themselves brilliant, possessed of great wisdom and knowledge.  People who will try their best to get you cancelled if you disagree with them.

Source: Ace of Spades


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