July 15, 2022

Media shill claims slower wage growth could be a GOOD thing. Seriously.

The usual Democrat-shill media outlets--the Lying Mainstream Media--are hard at work trying to convince Americans that what stupid American workers consider "bad newz" is really great newz!  See for yourself, with this Politico headline from two days ago:

See, according to the Dem shill outlets, "slower wage growth" could really be a good thing  for us working folks, because...wait for it...lower wage growth "will help bring down prices"!  So if you thought the biden regime wasn't doing anything to reduce inflation, now you know that their plan all along was to reduce the increase in wages, since they knew that will help bring down prices.

It's really basic economics, yes?  If you don't understand how it works, well...let's just say you didn't go to a top-flight university like Hahvahd or Yale, whose grads all understand complex stuff like this.

And how many of you noticed the propaganda trick above?

Take your time.

Sure: Politico's sub-head said slower wage growth could bring down prices.  Just half an inch below that I used a different word, but most of you didn't notice because your brain focused on "help bring down prices" since that's what you were hoping to see.  So when I replaced "could" with "will" most of you didn't notice, because you interpreted Politico's phrase as having the same meaning, even though it clearly doesn't.  



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