July 15, 2022

Fauci finally admits--on live TV--that "the vaccines don't protect *overly well* against infection." In fact...

We've known for months that Fauci is a total bullshit artist.  Finally, three days ago, he appeared on Neil Cavuto's show and admitted that the vaxxes "don't protect overly well"!

Think about that for a minute: For well over a hundred year the universally-accepted definition of a "vaccine" was something you took that would prevent you from being infected with whatever the disease was intended to counter.  At least that was the definition until last September, when someone at the CDC changed the official, written definition to "something that improves your immune response."

That change was supposedly made by a low-level staffer, but does any rational person believe the decision to change such a crucial and potentially embarrassing definition didn't go all the way to the top for approval?  Of course not.

They changed the definition because they knew--WELL before last September--that the "vaccines" did NOT meet the understood definition of the word.  So finally Fauci is admitting what everyone who wasn't a total Democrat partisan has long known:  The vaccine does NOT work.  In fact some studies show that getting the jab makes a person more susceptible to getting the virus.

Anyway, here's Fauci:

One of the things that's clear from the data [is] that even though vaccines -- because of the high degree of transmissibility of this virus -- don't protect overly well, as it were, against infection, they protect quite well against severe disease leading to hospitalization and death.

If there is a single study showing that, I'm not aware of it.  And if the CDC or FDA or NIH  knew of one, they'd be trumpeting that study every day in the Mainstream Media and on their websites.  But they're not.  Also, to be significant, any such study would have to be blind, random and controlled.  The first term means none of the doctors or nurses knows whether a patient has had the vax.  But that's the first thing hospitals ask.  If you know of a hospital that doesn't ask that first thing, let me know.

Also, in the above quote Fauci blames the fact that the vaxes don't keep people from getting covid on "the high degree of transmissibility of this virus."  But transmissibility has always been understood to be measured by how readily a virus infects unvaccinated people.  In the past, if millions of vaccinated people were infected by whatever the vaccine was supposed to keep them from getting, the "vaccine" would be pulled off the market!  This is the first time anyone has defended a non-working "vaccine" with the excuse that the virus was highly transmissible.

I'd love to see someone try to draw Fauci out on how often "highly transmissible" was used to defend a non-working "vaccine."  Meanwhile, Fauci continues:

So my message to people who seem confused because people who are vaccinated get infected, the answer is if you weren't vaccinated, the likelihood [is] you would have had [a] more severe course than you did have when you were vaccinated. 

Are you confused by vaccinated people getting the virus, citizen?  Cuz half the public is definitely NOT confused.  Most rational adults recognize right away that your damn non-vaccine does NOT do what the normal definition of a vaccine required, and the only confusion is why you keep pushing everyone to take the damn jab--down to six MONTHS old!

And to re-state the point above about his claim that "Well it may not keep everyone from getting infected but it certainly leads to fewer hospitalizations and deaths": show the studies on which you base that claim. 

Nice try, asshole.  You are a charlatan.  A fraud.  You don't know shit, so you fake it.  What's more, you funded the very research that modified and released this POS virus on the world.

Your glib line that the jab "doesn't protect overly well" should go down in infamy.



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