July 14, 2022

Say, how many vaxxed Americans have died *from the vax*? Think VAERS has an accurate number? Um...

If you pay attention to trivia like deaths from the forced "vax," you've likely heard about "VAERS."  What do you know about VAERS?

"Vaccine adverse event reporting system."  Set up and run by two gruberment.agencies.  Know which two?

If not, I'll tell ya later.   It was set up to gather data on (obviously) deaths and injuries caused by vaccines, not only to see if the trials of the vax had missed something, but also to find "bad batches" of vaxes that had been in use for decades.  Idea was that docs who had a vaxxed patient who had a problem would report it.  So, good idea.

Problem was that with one exception, docs were NOT required to report adverse effects.  And in the manner of all bureaucratic clusterf*cks, over time the form to fill out got longer and more absurd, to the point that it was taking about an hour to complete it.  

How many busy people (doctors) do ya think wanted to take an hour out of their day to do something of no benefit to themselves?

Yeah.  So the system was known to hugely under-report adverse effects--with one exception:  Docs were required to report ONE adverse effect:  an anaphlactic reaction.  If you're an adult you already know that's a potentially fatal reaction to allergens or injections.  If it's gonna happen, it happens as soon as a couple of minutes after the shot, to about two hours.

And after tens of millions of vaccine injections, beginning a century ago (long before the VAERS system was started) we have a huge body of data showing that before covid, between 2 and 5 people per million vaccinations would have this type of reaction--which is about what the VAERS system showed.

But then a very large hospital that had its own internal system for reporting anaphlactic reactions found that with the covid vaxes they were finding 2.47 occurrences per 10,000 covid vaccinations.  So on the low end of the "2 to 5" range of all previous vaccines, eh?

Nah, can't fool YOU, cuz everyone immediately picked up on the fact that 2.47 events per 10,000 is vastly higher than 2 to 5 per million, eh?   So to reasonably compare covid vaxes to all prior vaxes, we need to get the figures to the same base, right?  So 2.47 per 10,000 is how many per million?

You probably know how to do that conversion, but how many "reporters" know how to do that?  I suspect the answer is around one out of a hundred.

Now...anaphlactic shock is easily treatable if it's noticed right away and the treatment is immediately available.  So we don't expect deaths from that.  Instead we use the two figures above to get an idea of how badly the VAERS system under-reports "adverse effects."  And from the figures above it appears that the VAERS system under-reports by a factor of between 50 and 123 !

So now it's time to take a look at what the VAERS system

Notice that as of two weeks ago, VAERS had officially reported 13,547 deaths as being due to the covid vax.

If we take the smallest value for the under-reporting factor--50--what does that suggest for the actual number of deaths caused by the various covid vaxes?

Just under 700,000.  And that's using the figure most favorable to the vax pushers.

Oh, and by the way: the two gruberment agencies that run VAERS are...the CDC and FDA.  And by total coincidence those are the two agencies that approved the three U.S. vaxxes--under the "emergency use only" category, meaning they knew the trials were too brief to fully demonstrate the safety of the vaxxes.

Democrats:  "NOOooo!  Dis not true!  Dis FAKE NEWZ!  Dis not possible!"

Okay, snowflakes, please explain where any of the above is in error.  Take your time.


For amusing reading, here's the CDC on how to treat anaphlaxis at covid injection sites.

...which includes this precious, bidenesque piece of shit:  The wokie bastards take care to say "pregnant people instead of pregnant women.  It's too woke for words.


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