Summary of the virus
Another blogger has been taking a look at what's been happening in the U.S. with the Chinese virus. I think he's made some good observations:
The lockdowns are MEANT to last forever. We can see this in the very commentary of the establishment elites that are pushing for the mandates; their most frequent argument being that the pandemic restrictions are the “new normal”.
The lockdowns that Democrat governors have put in place--which have bankrupted hundreds of thousands of small businesses--haven't reduced deaths. Instead they've conditioned most Americans to mindlessly obey the most outrageous, illogical, bullshit orders from hypocritical Dem pols who violate their own orders.
The ideas of a cashless society, biometric mass surveillance, social credit scores, etc, have been part of the globalist agenda for over a decade. The virus was a useful crisis they exploited to get Americans to accept the draconian measures the globalists needed us to accept to bring about their goals.
Months ago a few experts pointed out the universally known fact that the familiar flu mutates into a new strain every year--and the flu shot everyone was pushed to get last year is useless against the new strain. So even if a vaccine against the new Chinese virus was developed, the lockdowns would continue because all the elites (Fauci et al) would have to do is declare that a “new mutation”--oooh, even MORE deadly!--of the virus had been found. Bingo: Lockdown continues until enough people have gotten the mandatory new vaccine. Rinse, repeat as many times as needed.
And sure enough, just a week after the vaccine began to be distributed, news hit the wires that Covid mutations had been found in places like the UK, India, and South Africa.
Again, you've seen this pattern with the familiar flu, so it was predictable--and predicted.
Take the vaccine now and you might receive an immunity passport for a few months, and then it will become void with every new mutation of the virus. So, you must then submit to the next vaccination.
The former VP of Pfizer and other medical professionals have warned that these vaccines cause an autoimmune response that leads to sterility or other harmful reactions. But because the scary Chinese virus has killed about one American out of a thousand, you won't be allowed to travel unless you can prove you've had the shot.
In Democrat-ruled states there's a real possibility you won't be allowed to go into a shop, restaurant or bar without proof that you've had the shot.
In the meantime, the WHO and your friendly neighborhood fascist Dr. Fauci are saying the “worst outbreak” is yet to come. Gotta keep Americans scared so they'll stay obedient.
So the lockdowns won't end after 90% of Americans have been vaccinated. Every statement made by the establishment indicates that they plan to violate your civil liberties for a long time to come.
They got everyone to obey by claiming two things: First, that the virus was more deadly than the flu; and second, that anyone who refused to obey their orders was dooming your parents to an agonizing death. And they promised that they'd only keep the lockdown on for two or three weeks, remember? The Narrative was that we just needed to "flatten the curve," remember?
Oh, you'd forgotten they used that line? In that case how long before Americans start to consider the lockdowns normal, and obediently line up to get a passport to board a bus?
Did you know that the median age of deaths ATTRIBUTED to the Chinese virus is 80? And that the average lifespan in the U.S. is 76 years for men, 81 for women. So not trying to make light of death here, but the virus was killing people who in many cases were near the end anyway. Not to mention that many had "co-morbidities."
And did you know that in 2020 deaths attributed to "flu" and pneumonia had dropped by a whopping 98 percent? Of course you didn't know that. And the cunning players will deny it, or claim there just wasn't any flu in 2020. Of course there's no reason to think flu just vanished, so you can guess: Flu deaths were attributed to the Chinese virus, to keep everyone scared to death--and obedient.
And how often did you hear on "news" shows that hospital intensive-care units were totally full! They were having to wheel suffering patients into the hall, or something. OMG youll all be killed! Remember those scare stories?
Well...if you knew where to look on YouTube you could see actual Americans going into hospitals supposedly bursting at the seams with dying patients--only to find they were totally deserted. The video teams were quickly ordered out by security guards--the only personnel in sight. The big field hospital set up in Central Park? No one used it. Same with the huge hospital ship Trump ordered to New York City. No patients.
Right now only around 15% of ICU beds are in use across the U.S. Yet the lockdowns continue--still trying to "flatten the curve," eh? No. It's been fear-mongering all along.
On top of that, numerous studies have concluded that masks are completely ineffective in stopping the spread of the virus. Yet mandatory masks remain--except when politicians want to not wear 'em. Hmmm.
The media claims anyone who resists lockdown and masking is a nut-case who's really claiming the virus “doesn’t exist.” Of course this is not at all what resisters claim, but it's a cunning strawman to discredit critics of the lockdowns.
Some of us have already gotten the virus, and recovered from it. What we are saying is that the CDC and the medical community’s OWN STATISTICS show that Covid is not a threat to more than 99.9 percent of the population. If we are to accept their stats as even remotely accurate, the Chinese virus becomes a non-issue for most people.
Again, I will ask the question that the mainstream refuses to ask:
Why is most of the middle-class being told they must sacrifice their jobs, their businesses, and their liberties because of a virus that's killed barely one-tenth of 1% of the population? feel safer? Why not urge at-risk people to stay home and let the rest of us can get back to work and on with normal life? Why are we doing the opposite of what makes the most sense?
The answer is that the pandemic response is about control, not public health. And the only good news is that more Americans are starting to recognize this, and may be getting closer to revolting.
All the mutation narrative does is further expose what the true agenda is – The elites want to keep things locked down until all small businesses are bankrupted. Lockdowns and masks don't save lives. Instead what we are seeing is destruction of the productive middle-class, and a ridiculous tolerance for having our rights taken away, using the Chinese virus as the excuse.
I think the guy makes quite a few good points.
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