January 01, 2021

Dem mayor of Austin orders bars to end indoor service by 10:30. Governor: 'Rescind that or I'll see you in court'

Two days before New Year's eve, the Democrat mayor of the Peoples' Republic of Austin--Steve Adler--issued an order that bars and restaurants had to stop indoor service at 10:30pm from Dec. 31 through Jan. 3.  Cuz, all good Democrats know da virus bees reel deadly to da peeps under 40 who make up the bulk of New Year's eve celebrations.

The order obviously would would have prevented restaurants and bars from serving customers indoors on New Year's eve and Jan 1.

Of course da virus ain' no problem if a big mob wanna burn an' loot.  Jus' fo' indoor dining.  Or church.  

Adler either didn't know or didn't care that the Republican governor of Texas had issued an order saying, in effect, "no lockdowns."  And when the governor heard about Adler's order, he threatened immediate legal action.

Now check out Adler's weaselly statement:  He says he wasn't trying to restrict anything, but viewed his ORDER as "kind of just the modification of operations for restaurants."

“I don’t call this a curfew because in my mind, that gives rise to a lot of things that are much broader than the order we have here. We are not restricting people’s movements, their ability to be able to travel around, their ability to go to the drug store or the grocery store if you’re out at night,” Adler said. “So I think what is more descriptive is, kind of just the modification of operations for restaurants; I think that’s probably the most apt description.”

Like all Democrat officials, this weasel mayor expected that he could defy any legal order from the state if he wished.  After all, Dems have always gotten away with anything before, so...  

But don't you DARE defy a Democrat governor's lockdown order, citizen!

Oh, and Happy New Year to all.



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