8 scary predictions of global warming doom slated for 2020, and how they actually turned out
As every good sheep knows, the gravest, most dire, deadly threat facing humans is...global warming!
Wait, didn't the socialists/Democraps scrap that term ten years ago, after a string of record-cold winters convinced ordinary people they were lying?
Why yes, yes they did. The new improved, politically-correct term, approved by the NY Times stylebook, is..."climate change."
And the reason is that none of the scaremongers predictions regarding fatal global warming have proven to be true. Here are 8 dire predictions slated to kill us in 2020, and how they turned out:
Climate Alarmist Predictions for 2020 That Were WAY Off
By Tyler O'Neil, Dec 28, 2020 [edited; link at end. Read the original.]
Alarmists have spent decades predicting one doomsday scenario after another. None of which have happened. Steve Milloy, founder of JunkScience.com, compiled some climate predictions for 2020 that didn't pan out.
1. One of the most-cited screamers about Global Warming is James Hansen of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. In 1987 Hanson claimed his model predicted that “by the year 2020 we will experience an average temperature increase of around three degrees [Celsius], with even greater extremes.”
But data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) shows that since 1987 global temp has only increased about 0.5 degrees Celsius. Think Hansen ever admitted he was off by a factor of six?
2. In 1978 University of Washington researcher Minze Stuiver predicted that the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere would double by 2020. According to NOAA, in March 1978 when the paper was published, atmospheric CO2 was 335 parts per million, so if Stuiver had been right, CO2 today would be 670 ppm. In February of this year it was actually 413 ppm. But hey, this paper was published in the prestigious journal Science, so it's gotta be right, right? Must be something wrong with NOAA's instruments, yes? But don't worry, warmies: the same paper predicted that by 2050 CO2 would be "five to ten times" the 1987 level, so that may yet come true. Cuz, "the science is settled."
3. In 2001 a geologist at Ohio State University (Lonnie Thompson, if you're curious) predicted there wouldn't be any snow left on top of Mount Kilimanjaro by 2020. In fact he predicted "all of the ice will be gone between 2010 and 2020. And that is probably a conservative estimate.”
Since to most journalists there's little difference between a geologist and an expert in, say, atmospheric physics or heat transfer or solar fluctuation, lots of newspapers printed the scary prediction. Al Gore’s 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" (which got an Oscar for scariest anti-western film of that year) also featured this prediction.
Yet in February 2020, the snow was still there in huge quantities. But since there's still a whole day left in 2020, all of it may still vanish in time to make the scary prediction right.
Just kidding, of course. But how many U.S. papers noted yet another failed scary global-warming prediction?
4. Sea levels have been rising by two to three millimeters per year since 1900 or so. But since Americans were burning so much carbon-based fuel, the EPA was screaming that this was gonna change big-time. Yep, in 1986 a snowflake at the EPA (Jim Titus, if you're curious) predicted that by 2020 the sea level would be two feet higher than in 1986! The Miami Herald reported this scary prediction, and it was picked up by many newspapers.
According to NOAA, since the EPA snowflake's breathless 1986 prediction the sea level around Florida has risen by about 9 centimeters . Unfortunately most Americans don't know a centimeter from a nanometer, which enables warmy Karens to point to that figure and say "SEE?? Everyone in Florida is about to drown because you insist on driving!!"
But dividing 90 millimeters by 34 years since 1986 gives about 2.65 mm per year, which is pretty much what's been happening since the automobile was first introduced. In other words, cars aren't causing the problem. But HEY, I know what it is! NOAA doesn't know how to read their measuring instruments! Yeh, dat's it!
(If you're a __studies major, the rise is barely over a tenth of an inch per year.)
5. In March of 2000 a "senior research scientist" at the University of East Anglia (David Viner, if you're curious) predicted that the Earth was warming SO FAST that snow would soon become “a very rare and exciting event. Children aren’t going to know what snow is,” Viner said. Numerous newspapers in the U.S. picked up this quote.
As you probably guessed, snow is still very much a thing in the United Kingdom. But in fairness to David, he didn't say WHEN snow would become "very rare" so we can't definitely call this wrong. It'll probably be true next year. Or certainly the year after that.
6. You might think the U.S. Defense Department is staffed by realists. But in reality there are as many goofy leftist Deep-State wackos in the Pentagon as at most universities. In any case, in 2004 a report from someone in the Department of Defense claimed climate change could be America’s greatest national security threat. Among other things, the report claimed "climate change" was likely to cause nuclear war by 2020.
The clue to who wrote the report is the phrase claiming that ”In modern times the casualties [of war] have decreased," but that “all of that progressive behavior could collapse if carrying capacities everywhere were suddenly lowered drastically by abrupt climate change.”
Clever, eh? Claims climate change will trigger nuclear war. Oh, and the author claims reduced casualties of war in the last few decades is "progressive behavior." Uh-huh. Sure.
So while it's easy to argue that we havent had nuclear war because the predicted, dire, deadly "climate change" didn't happen, one can make a better case that the predicted nuclear war hasn't happened because advance nations have been working to ensure that dictators bent on getting atom bombs either don't succeed or are persuaded not to make numbers of them by economic sanctions and superior force.
7. Democrat "climate expert" Al Gore predicts Arctic ocean "could be totally ice-free by2014"20152016surely by 2020any day now.
If you're a rational adult you probably won't be surprised to hear that the amount of ice in the Arctic ocean increases in winter and falls in the summer, reaching its lowest area in September of each year.
As you may have noticed, politicians love to opine on everything, and on December 13th, 2009, at an international conference on global warming in Denmark, former Dem vice-president and newly-minted climate expert Al Gore predicted the Arctic ocean "could be completely ice free within the next five to seven years." Gore repeatedly referenced “state-of-the-art” computer modeling to show the assembled politicians that this wasn't just a wild-eyed scare story, but rather a result predictd by a computer model!
Gore's audience listened closely, cuz this guy was SO smart that in 2007 he'd been awarded the f'n Nobel Peace Prize for his work on halting
Global Warmingexcuse me, "climate change." Also that year, "his" "documentary" (actually fiction) movie won an Oscar, making him even more of a climate expert. So they all listened, breathlessly, as this magnificent intellect warned 'em about climate.
And because this man had won a Nobel for his
climate researchskill at self-promotion, and his Oscar, every single U.S. newspaper dutifully reported his dire warning.
And sure enough, five years later (2014) all the ice was gone!
Hahahahaha! Just kidding. It was still there. Also in 2015, 2016 and so on. But because Al is a Democrat, and Bill Clinton's VP, and won a f'ng NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, not a single paper had the gall to say "Hey, what happened to your prediction about, you know, the Arctic ocean being totally ice-free by 2014?" Because what journalist has the stones to criticize a Nobel winner, eh? Kinda like criticizing another Democrat Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack Hussein Obama. (Yes, young Americans, Hussein won the same prize, with even less rationale, being nominated a week after he was inaugurated.)
According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), this past September (the annual minimum for ice in the Arctic), sea ice covered 3.9 million square kilometers.
8. In March of 2009, U.S. Geological Survey ecologist Daniel Fagre predicted that by 2020 all the glaciers in Montana’s Glacier National Park would be gone. Because journalists consider ecologists to be authorities on "climate science" this shocking prediction was dutifully printed by the Los Angeles Times and hundreds of other U.S. newspapers.
Less than a year later the National Park Service had put up signs warning that the park's signature glaciers would be gone by 2020. This story too was widely reported, cuz dem journoshits gotta fan those scary flames of Global Warming, eh? It made evening newscasts. Cuz, nothing more important than scaring the sheep, eh?
And sure enough, this summer Glacier National Park didn't have a single remaining glacier!
Of course you won't fall for that twice. So last summer, with the glaciers still there, the Park Service faced a tough choice: change the signs or simply remove them? Interestingly the U.S. Geological Survey had warned the park service back in 2017 that the USGS climate model no longer predicted the glaciers would vanish by 2020, but the anti-Trump "Resistance" refused to remove the signs since that would have made Al Gore and the Democrat warmies look incompetent. Since that was absolutely verboten, the signs remained to the last second.
Finally a park spokeswoman told CNN the only reason the lying signs were still up was that the park didn’t have enough money to change them. And of course the CNN "reporter" didn't ask the obvious question: Why not just un-bolt the signs from their posts?
The new signs will say, “When they will completely disappear depends on how and when we act. One thing is consistent: the glaciers in the park are shrinking.”
Global warming Karens have been predicting doom for more than 50 years, and every time their predictions have failed. And yet astonishingly, every time one fails, the Lying Mainstream Media ignores the failure and never asks the predictor about it.
Amazing, eh?
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