Penn legislators report state's own records show 202,377 more votes COUNTED than # of people who VOTED
After a long and mysterious delay in counting votes, the Democrat governor and Democrat secretary of state of Democrat-ruled Pennsylvania claimed that out of 6,962,607 total votes officially tallied, Harris/Biden got 80,555 more votes than president Trump.
Yay! Democracy in action, citizen! Absolutely NO significant vote fraud. Oh sure, maybe a few confused elderly people may have received and submitted more than one mail-in ballot, but that's certainly understandable, right? We expect lots of older people to forget stuff like that.
But repeat after me, citizen: "Not enough to change the outcome." The Lying Media keeps telling you that, so it must be true, right?
Well...a group of Pennsylvania state legislators decided to examine the alleged results more closely. Specifically, they looked at a state system called "SURE" ("Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors." (You have to look deep to find that by "electors" they actually mean "voters." Odd that they didn't say that, but that's bureaucrats for ya.) Here's the web-page of that super system.
According to the legislators who examined the records of that system, 6,760,230 people cast votes for president in the November 2020 election.
But official results reported 6,931,060 votes were tallied (at least close to the 6,962,607 votes officially tallied in the opening 'graf), including all three
candidates on the ballot and write-in candidates.
The difference of 202,377 more votes officially tallied than the number of people the SURE system reported voting is more than twice
Harris/Biden's reported margin of "victory."
Predictably, the Democrat secretary of state rushed to assure his state's residents that the legislators' claim that the "SURE system" reported fewer people voting than the total number of votes officially tallied must have been caused by either "a glitch in the software," or "human error which was quickly corrected," or my favorite, "The legislators were all Rethuglicans who don't know how to read that well."
But don't worry, citizen: Sure there's an innocent explanation for all these, um...anomalies.
But even if most are explained away (more like "waved away by authorities who refuse to take critical questions), one odd fact can't be as breezily explained: How is it that EVERY reported irregularity or anomaly favored Harris/Biden?
Labels: election fraud
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