December 29, 2020

"Relief bill" gives Billions to (supposedly) fighting global warming; it's a joke, but you're paying for it

Barack Obama's first chief of staff was a petite wannabee dictator named Rahm Emanuel.  Rahm coined what may well be the number-one tactic of the Democrat party: "Never let a good crisis go to waste." 

What that means is that if a political dictator (in Rahm's case, Obama) wants to ram thru a policy that Americans would normally reject out of hand, slip that policy into a thousand-page "must-pass" bill that no one will have time to read before it HAS to be passed, either to prevent a government shutdown or to get cash into the hands of millions of Americans after Fauci authorized Dem governors to close all small businesses due to da virus of unknown origin.

This tactic was used to perfection by Democrats to stuff hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars of pork and graft into the cunningly-misnamed "Covid relief bill" just passed by the corrupt, useless congress.  The monstrosity filled 5,695 pages, of which ten covered relief checks.  The rest was billions in aid to foreign countries, and billions more to take away affordable transportation, home heating, hot water and reliable electricity.

Of course you don't believe that last part.  You can't believe any congresscreep would be so utterly, stunningly stupid as to kill one of the half-dozen things that give Americans our phenomenal standard of living, eh?  If you don't believe they're that stupid, you probably also believe they're looking out for your best interests, instead of lining their own pockets by selling your kids into poverty.

It's taken a lot of time to comb through 5,695 pages of pork, waste and payoffs Congress slipped into the "relief" bill.  The big clue is that the people screaming that CO2 is fatally warming the Earth are happy about what lawmakers stuffed into the bill.

USA Today reports that environmental activists are delighted because the $2.3 trillion bill has "tax breaks for renewable energy sources, initiatives to promote carbon capture storage and a significant phasedown of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) that are a key culprit to the planet’s warming.” 

The bill also gives millions of dollars to programs whose stated purpose is to reduce Global Warming sorry, "climate change."

The female "director of federal policy" at a communist-led organization called the "Clean Air Task Force" called the package “the most significant U.S. federal climate legislation ever.”

Some other provisions in the bill:

  • Expansion of carbon capture technology and deployment;
  • "Financial incentives to replace diesel engines with electric vehicles"
  • Tax credits for “clean energy,” including wind.

Some of these provisions were authored by a moronic Democrat from Deleware, Sen. Tom Carper, whose main concern was "protecting vulnerable communities."  Awww, ain't that nice!  In practice that means giving more taxpayer-funded rebates to low-income people to offset the much higher cost of natural gas and electricity under this monstrosity of a bill.

Let me tell you about those threee bullet-point land mines above:  "Carbon-capture" is a technology that takes CO2 out of combustion gases of plants that burn coal or natural gas to make electricity.  It's never been done, but the initial estimates suggest that requiring this would easily double your cost of electricity. 

But hey, you're more than willing to pay that modest price so China can continue to burn coal in THEIR plants without any carbon-capture, right?  I mean, it's only fair, citizen."

"Financial incentives to replace diesel with electric vehicles" means the federal taxes on your gasoline or diesel fuel will be raised, to give big checks to people who buy electric cars.  This has already been tried with a GM electric car called the Chevy Volt:  Under Obama, taxpayers were forced to pay GM $7,500 for every Volt sold.  The car was a flop, but did get thousands of Americans to buy a Prius.

"Tax credits for clean energy."  Yes, windmills make electricity without CO2.  But the electricity costs about twice what it costs from a gas-fired plant.  The only way wind-generated electricity can be competitive is by having congress give tax breaks to the companies that operate windmills.  Which means either taxpayers end up footing the bill, or we have to borrow more from China to cover the cost of the tax breaks.

But hey, that's worth it, right?  Cuz if you don't support that, we'll tar you as "hating the earth" or "climate denier!"  Oh, and about those rumors you may have heard that windmills kill a few thousand eagles or migratory birds each year?  Well you believe in Darwin's theory of evolution, right?  And if some bird isn't smart enough to avoid getting hit by a windmill blade, isn't that really just taking out the ones less-equipped to survive?  Sure.

And in any case, isn't that a small price to pay to avoid putting CO2 into the air, fatally warming our beloved planet?   Well, small for us, anyway.  Okay, maybe not for the dead birds.  But hey, we're just doing Darwin's work, citizen.

In other amusing propaganda, USA Today reported that a clueless RINO from Wyoming, Sen. John Barrasso, "supported the bill and likes the incentive features."  Barrasso bleated “Free-market innovation is the key to addressing a changing climate.” 

Wait...did he actually have the gall to say "free-market innovation"?  When they just passed a bill (now a lock to be law) totally eliminating any input from "free markets" and substituting $100-million-dollar gifts to favored companies and sectors approved by "progressives."  Just like Obama's DOE giving half a BILLION to crony buddy Solyndra just before that company went bankrupt.  What a travesty.

Finally, and predictably, the new law will expand the federal bureaucracy, creating a new "Office of Fossil Energy," a new "Office of Science," a new Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy" and a new [I'm not kidding here] "Direct Air Capture Technology Advisory Board." 

You got all this pork rammed down your throat because of the panic and lockdowns that resulted from the manufactured "crisis."  Rahm told the Dems how to do it.  Fauci provided the faux-science veneer that only one American out of ten-thousand had enough knowledge to refute.  Democrat governors eagerly used Fauci's scare-story to lock everyone down--orders backed up by horrendously high fines or even jail time!  And the Karen reflex did the rest.

If the consequences of this shutdown weren't so serious, this sequence of deadly events would be funny.


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