January 03, 2021

Have we reached Peak Insanity yet? Ha! You just wish!

I keep thinking that surely at some point the few remaining sane Americans will finally force the Insane Brigade to stop the madness, but to no avail.  Instead the madness keeps on coming. 

In the case below, the executive director of "Trans Family Support Services" was indignant, outraged, that insurance companies would only pay for sex-change operations if a person was at least 18 years old.  Xe asked the insurance commissioner for the state of california to rule on whether insurance companies could be forced to pay for, say, breast removal on a 14-year-old mentally ill girl.

Of course the tranny director was far too clever to actually PUT IT that way, instead phrasing it as "Can a health insurer deny coverage for MALE chest reconstruction surgery (mastectomy and costruction of a MALE chest)...based solely on the patient's age?"

Can you guess how Ricardo Lara RULED?  See 'graf numbered "II" below:


Note the language beginning in the middle of the 3rd line of the first 'graf above:  

...in  an individual diagnosed with gender dysphoria, who is born with female characteristics [but] identifies as male, the presence of a female chest is an abnormal body structure  caused by gender dysphoria....

...male chest reconstruction for treating gender dysphoria is performed to "correct or repair abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities...or disease" in order to "create a normal appearance, to the extent possible...[It] is not "performed to alter or reshape normal structures of the body in order to improve the patient's appearance" and is therefor not "cosmetic surgery."

It's hard to imagine a more brazen, ghastly perversion of logic and language than in those two 'grafs just cited.  I mean, the corrupt insurance commissioner, Ricardo Lara, classifies a perfectly normal pair of breasts as "an abnormal body structure."  And what does Lara claim moved him to RULE this "structure" "abnormal"?  Why, gender dysphoria.  But if the person has female chromosomes, how could any rational being consider breasts "abnormal"? 

So in the second 'graf we have Lara ruling that mutilating a perfectly functional body is really "correcting abnormal structures of the body" "caused by congenital defects."  And that this mutilation is done "to create a normal appearance." But of course Lara is defining "normal" as the opposite.

The abnormality, of course, is the mental illness--totally supported by all the "woke" destroyers in academics and psychology--who claim that it's right to "correct" a perfectly functioning female body to assuage the patient's mental illness.  And of course surgeons completely support this, because $$$.

Now for those unfamiliar with how bureaucrats work, what this effectively means is that a 13-year-old can now force her parents' insurance company to pay for her "top" sex change.  And with the tip of the wedge now firmly inserted, here are the next steps, in no particular order:

  • Same demand, this time for "bottom" surgery;
  • "Can insurers be forced to cover both types of surgery without parental consent?"  After all, the vaunted Insurance Commissioner has RULED that this surgery is a RIGHT, so how can parents block a child's RIGHT to choose to change sex/gender/whatever?
  • Same questions as above, this time for male-to-female trannies;
  • Same questions, this time for forcing "Medicaid" (ie. taxpayers; in Cali's case they call it MediCal; cute, eh?) to pay for sex change ops for people who can't afford it AND don't have insurance;  OH WAIT, the Obama administration already made that a RULE.  Too late, suckers!
  • Same questions as above, but this time to force taxpayers to pay for sex-change operations for imprisoned rapists and murderers;  OH WAIT, that too has already happened, right here in the good ol' USA, courtesy of corrupt, immoral judges and Democrat symps;
  • Same questions and demands, this time for illegal aliens.  (If you think that's not on the agenda, you haven't been paying attention.)

After all, if the astonishingly corrupt congress is happy to give $600 BILLION to other countries, for all manner of incredibly dumb, useless things, what's a few million more to make taxpayers pay for sex-change ops for murderers, eh?  And on and on it goes. 


If you have a twatter account (I refuse to), go to the link and leave a comment.  Looks like there are still a few sane people left in our poor, beseiged country.


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