January 04, 2021

Real or fiction? You decide

Here's a fun new game for the few Democrats who aren't already communists:  Decide whether a story about an insane bill introduced by, or law already passed by, Democrat lawmakers is real or fiction.  Ready?

California targets cows to fight deadly global warming

The California legislatre has introduced a bill ordering dairy farmers and ranchers to reduce the amount of the deadly heat-trapping, climate-destroying gas methane emitted by their cattle to 40% below earlier levels.

Cattle *and other farm animals* are major sources of methane, a greenhouse gas many times more potent than carbon dioxide as a heat-trapping gas.  The animals release methane when they belch or pass gas.

Ryan McCarthy is a science adviser for the California Air Resources Board, which will be tasked with drafting rules if, as expected, the bill becomes law.  He says “If we can reduce emissions of methane, we can really help to slow global warming."  (Ryan momentarily forgot that the term "global warming" has been replaced by the more convincing term "climate change.)

The bill mandates that the rules being developed by Ryan McCarthy and his merry band of morons with degrees would go into effect in 2024.  As one of McCarthy's co-science-advisors soothingly noted, "that's a long way off, so no need to be concerned."

“We expect that this package of rules, like everything we do to fight deadly, killer global warming--excuse me: climate change, will show an effective model forward for other states,” McCarthy said.  "Everyone will want to follow our lead to save the planet."

Dairy farmers and ranchers say the new regulations will hugely increase their costs, forcing them to charge more for the milk and meat they sell.  However, science advisor McCarthy dismissed this claim.  "Whiny business-people always complain that every new rule to save the planet will increase their costs," he said.  "But somehow they always manage to stay in business, so obviously they just complain in the hope uneducated consumers will object to higher prices.  But anyone who knows economics knows that regulations never cause higher prices.  That's a myth spread by climate deniers."
"It's really just selfish of them, when our rules are needed to save every person on the planet from deadly global warming.  Excuse me: climate change."
So, did the narrative above strike you as implausible?  Seem too crazy even for the Democrats who've had total control of California's legislature and state posts for decades?  So, real or fiction?

If you said "fiction," congratulations.  The Democrat party welcomes you.  But amazingly, not only is the bill real, it was signed into law--over four years ago!  Yep, signed into law in September of 2016.

Of course you never heard about this brilliant law, right?  Cuz the Mainstream Media didn't report it honestly, informing voters that it would raise the cost of milk and meat while failing to reduce global warming by any measurable amount.  That would presumably show voters what moronic power-mongers Democrats are.  The Mainstream Media would never, will never, allow that.  Never.  So to the extent it gets reported, the stories never report the obvious down-side to voters.

Now let's try another game:  Predict what will happen when the new RULES take effect in the oh-so-far-future of 2024:  Sure, easy.  Cali dairy farms and ranchers will have to raise prices.  That will spur grocery chains to import lower-cost meat and dairy products from other states.

Do you think the Democrats who demand to control even cow belches will let that slide?  No, they'll want to put a tax on meat and dairy products from other states.  Ooops, the Constitution expressly forbids that.  But do ya think that will stop the Dems who rule California?  Not on your life.  They'll invent a disease that they claim infects cows from other states, and "to protect the lives of our precious children, we can't allow these products into our state."

The "disease" claim will be horse-shit, but that won't stop 'em from doing it.  And as we've all seen from the Chinese virus scandal, governors can do absolutely anything normally illegal as long as they claim the illegal measure will save even one precious life.

If a Republican were president, the federal government would slap that down quick.  But with Harris and Biden in the White House, no action will be taken against the unconstitutional restraint of trade.

Backup link:

And if you really wanna learn how utterly f'd up smug legislatures are, read the full text of the bill here.  It's got so many weasel-terms in it--deliberately vague terms inserted to allow even the most outlandish interpretation and rule.  It's a joke.  Yet it's now law for the biggest ag-producing state in the nation.


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