Corruption in Manhattan DA's office and NYPD allowed Epstein to skate legal orders
If you're a hard-working American, trying to make your house payments and keep your kids on the right track, you have no idea how corrupt the legal system in crap-hole coastal cities is. After all, the Media almost never report on it, cuz that would damage their friends.
Also, if you don't live in one of the corrupt states, what difference does it make to you if they let politically-connected "offenders" skate? a rare example of journalists doing their damn job, the NY Post has found actual records showing the unbelievable extent of corruption in NYC that has allowed Jeffrey Epstein to repeatedly ignore every penalty the courts have imposed--and with no punishment!
Start here: Among the cover stories being constructed to defend the unprecedented, secret "non-prosecution" plea deal from the corrupt U.S. attorney for southern Florida (that would be Alex Acosta) is that the plea bargain required Epstein to register as a sex offender. This was actually cited as a serious penalty! So did Epstein comply?
No. NY law would requires sex offenders to personally check in with the local police department every 90 days. Thus starting from the date of the plea "deal," Epstein would have had to check in 34 times. So did he? The Post has learned that Epstein never checked in, as required by law.
If you or I ignored this, we would be jailed. But somehow Epstein managed to skate.
But the big news here is how Epstein was able to totally violate every condition of his secret ("sealed") plea bargain.
To find out, consider that the Manhattan DA is a corrupt Democrat operative named Cyrus Vance jr. He had an Assistant DA named Jennifer Gaffney who was deputy chief of Vance’s sex-crimes unit.
In January 2011--just after the secret "non-prosecution" plea deal--Gaffney asked a Manhattan judge to downgrade Epstein’s status in the New York sex-offender registry from the most-dangerous Level 3 to least-restrictive Level 1.
The judge was stunned. “I have never seen the prosecutor’s office do anything like this,” Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Ruth Pickholz told Gaffney. “I have done many [cases] much less troubling than this one where [prosecutors] would never make a downward argument like this.”
Pressed by the judge, Gaffney admitted that she never spoke to the U.S. Attorney for southern Florida who had handled the so-called investigation into Epstein's sex ring. “I don’t think you did much of an investigation here,” Pickholz said. “I am shocked.” And she denied Gaffney's request--meaning Epstein would have to have appeared in person at the sex-crime unit of the NYPD every 90 days.
Gaffney's husband, Christopher Schmidt is an NYPD lieutenant.
Vance’s handling of Epstein has come under new scrutiny after a Miami Herald report last week revealed a secret “non-prosecution agreement” in Florida that buried evidence Epstein had allegedly pimped out 80 girls and young women to his rich and powerful pals.
The DA’s office insists Vance “was not aware” of the secret deal until years later and had nothing to do with it. A spokesman for Vance said “Our prosecutor [Gaffney] made a mistake.”
Gaffney left the DA’s office in September. To the surprise of no one, she declined to comment.
Last March an NYPD spokeswoman told the Washington Post that Epstein never checked in--as in, not even once--following Pickholz’s ruling. When the New York Post asked the NYPD repeatedly about that admission this week, the NYPD declined comment.
So...this news has appeared in the solidly-Democrat-loving Washington Post. For the Post to print it counts as an "admission against interest," so can reasonably be given far more weight than if a conservative source published it.
Violating requirements of New York’s "Sex Offender Registration Act" — including checking in with law enforcement — is a felony punishable by up to four years in prison for a first offense.
Subsequent violations carry a sentence of up to seven years each.
But the NYPD hasn’t required the billionaire financier to check in since he registered as a sex offender in New York. Several current and former high-ranking NYPD officials were shocked to learn from The NY Post that the department was ignoring Epstein's failure to comply with the law, with one saying, “It makes no sense.”
“The NYPD can’t modify a court order,” a source said. “If the judge says he has to report here, he has to report here.”
To summarize: Epstein got an unprecedented sweetheart plea deal--sealed, so terms couldn't be known by voters--in 2011. One of the touted "We did great!" terms was that he had to register as a sex offender. But he violated the terms. And the NYPD ignored it. And the deputy head of NYC's sex-crimes unit made an unprecedented request that the judge reduce Epstein's offense status from Level 3 to Level 1. When questioned, Gaffney was forced to admit she hadn't spoken to the U.S. Attorney in Florida to learn fuck-all about the severity of Epstein's crimes, or the conditions of the plea deal.
Corrupt, from top to bottom. And this is just one case, in one utterly corrupt jurisdiction.
But hey, citizen, you don't live there. So you are hereby instructed to ignore it.
Also, if you don't live in one of the corrupt states, what difference does it make to you if they let politically-connected "offenders" skate? a rare example of journalists doing their damn job, the NY Post has found actual records showing the unbelievable extent of corruption in NYC that has allowed Jeffrey Epstein to repeatedly ignore every penalty the courts have imposed--and with no punishment!
Start here: Among the cover stories being constructed to defend the unprecedented, secret "non-prosecution" plea deal from the corrupt U.S. attorney for southern Florida (that would be Alex Acosta) is that the plea bargain required Epstein to register as a sex offender. This was actually cited as a serious penalty! So did Epstein comply?
No. NY law would requires sex offenders to personally check in with the local police department every 90 days. Thus starting from the date of the plea "deal," Epstein would have had to check in 34 times. So did he? The Post has learned that Epstein never checked in, as required by law.
If you or I ignored this, we would be jailed. But somehow Epstein managed to skate.
But the big news here is how Epstein was able to totally violate every condition of his secret ("sealed") plea bargain.
To find out, consider that the Manhattan DA is a corrupt Democrat operative named Cyrus Vance jr. He had an Assistant DA named Jennifer Gaffney who was deputy chief of Vance’s sex-crimes unit.
In January 2011--just after the secret "non-prosecution" plea deal--Gaffney asked a Manhattan judge to downgrade Epstein’s status in the New York sex-offender registry from the most-dangerous Level 3 to least-restrictive Level 1.
The judge was stunned. “I have never seen the prosecutor’s office do anything like this,” Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Ruth Pickholz told Gaffney. “I have done many [cases] much less troubling than this one where [prosecutors] would never make a downward argument like this.”
Pressed by the judge, Gaffney admitted that she never spoke to the U.S. Attorney for southern Florida who had handled the so-called investigation into Epstein's sex ring. “I don’t think you did much of an investigation here,” Pickholz said. “I am shocked.” And she denied Gaffney's request--meaning Epstein would have to have appeared in person at the sex-crime unit of the NYPD every 90 days.
Gaffney's husband, Christopher Schmidt is an NYPD lieutenant.
Vance’s handling of Epstein has come under new scrutiny after a Miami Herald report last week revealed a secret “non-prosecution agreement” in Florida that buried evidence Epstein had allegedly pimped out 80 girls and young women to his rich and powerful pals.
The DA’s office insists Vance “was not aware” of the secret deal until years later and had nothing to do with it. A spokesman for Vance said “Our prosecutor [Gaffney] made a mistake.”
Gaffney left the DA’s office in September. To the surprise of no one, she declined to comment.
Last March an NYPD spokeswoman told the Washington Post that Epstein never checked in--as in, not even once--following Pickholz’s ruling. When the New York Post asked the NYPD repeatedly about that admission this week, the NYPD declined comment.
So...this news has appeared in the solidly-Democrat-loving Washington Post. For the Post to print it counts as an "admission against interest," so can reasonably be given far more weight than if a conservative source published it.
Violating requirements of New York’s "Sex Offender Registration Act" — including checking in with law enforcement — is a felony punishable by up to four years in prison for a first offense.
Subsequent violations carry a sentence of up to seven years each.
But the NYPD hasn’t required the billionaire financier to check in since he registered as a sex offender in New York. Several current and former high-ranking NYPD officials were shocked to learn from The NY Post that the department was ignoring Epstein's failure to comply with the law, with one saying, “It makes no sense.”
“The NYPD can’t modify a court order,” a source said. “If the judge says he has to report here, he has to report here.”
To summarize: Epstein got an unprecedented sweetheart plea deal--sealed, so terms couldn't be known by voters--in 2011. One of the touted "We did great!" terms was that he had to register as a sex offender. But he violated the terms. And the NYPD ignored it. And the deputy head of NYC's sex-crimes unit made an unprecedented request that the judge reduce Epstein's offense status from Level 3 to Level 1. When questioned, Gaffney was forced to admit she hadn't spoken to the U.S. Attorney in Florida to learn fuck-all about the severity of Epstein's crimes, or the conditions of the plea deal.
Corrupt, from top to bottom. And this is just one case, in one utterly corrupt jurisdiction.
But hey, citizen, you don't live there. So you are hereby instructed to ignore it.
Mandatory Google warning: the above story has not been verified by our Trusted Sources, so readers are advised to be extremely skeptical about this alleged "news." The links in the story may not go to the real website claimed, but to a clever fake site that simply mimics the real website.
Remember, citizen: You can only trust news if it comes from one of our Trusted Sources like the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN or MSNBC. Or us, of course, since we are extremely careful that no unverified stories slip into your news feed to make you feel unsafe.
You are instructed to trust prosecutors. They are honest. We assure you that contra to wild claims by Republicans, there is really very little corruption in cities ruled by Democrats. Far-right sources claim lots of corruption exists just to get gullible Americans to vote against your friends in the Democrat party.
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