Every Democrat candidate for prez supports "free" medical for illegals. Wait..."free"?
If you took your valuable time to watch the Democrat presidential candidate "debates" you may have seen the exchange in which one of the moderators told all the candidates "Raise your hand if you support giving free medical care to illegal immigrants."
Every one of the Democrat candidates--all ten on that night--raised their hand.
Now first: Is there such a thing as "free medical care"? Unless you can get doctors and nurses to work for no pay, and medical suppliers to give away their products, the answer is obvious: Of course not.
So when every one of the Democrats running for president say that they'd give "free" medical care to illegals, what do you think they actually mean?
They mean using your tax dollars NOT for national defense, NOT for rebuilding highways and bridges, NOT to reduce deficit spending, but to benefit people who entered this country illegally, in violation of U.S. law.
It would be great if some "reporter" would ask the Democrat candidates if they really meant to offer taxpayer-funded medical care to illegal immigrants. Which they did, of course, but we'd love to get them to explain--on video--why that's a great use of taxpayer money.
And for those Democrat voters who might possibly think the candidates were just virtue-signalling, consider this: The Democrat governor of California just signed a bill expanding taxpayer-funded medical care for illegals--funded by all U.S. taxpayers via Medicare/Medicaid funds provided by the federal government. A couple of months ago the state "only" covered illegals up to age 19. Now the state has expanded this to covering illegals up to age 26.
What's next? Is "age 26" set in stone? Why not cover every illegal up to age 35? Why not 50?
Why not...all illegals? Which, of course, is the commitment from all the Dem candidates.
Welcome to the new America, under Democrat rule. This is what they are determined to do. And you'll pay for it. Cuz, fairness, citizen.
Below, the shit-eatin' grin of Democrat governor of California, Gavin Newsome. He and his fellow Dems rule that state with huge majorities in both chambers of the legislature. And Californians seem to be fine with whatever the Dems do. Which is good since they can't do jack about it.
Every one of the Democrat candidates--all ten on that night--raised their hand.
Now first: Is there such a thing as "free medical care"? Unless you can get doctors and nurses to work for no pay, and medical suppliers to give away their products, the answer is obvious: Of course not.
So when every one of the Democrats running for president say that they'd give "free" medical care to illegals, what do you think they actually mean?
They mean using your tax dollars NOT for national defense, NOT for rebuilding highways and bridges, NOT to reduce deficit spending, but to benefit people who entered this country illegally, in violation of U.S. law.
It would be great if some "reporter" would ask the Democrat candidates if they really meant to offer taxpayer-funded medical care to illegal immigrants. Which they did, of course, but we'd love to get them to explain--on video--why that's a great use of taxpayer money.
And for those Democrat voters who might possibly think the candidates were just virtue-signalling, consider this: The Democrat governor of California just signed a bill expanding taxpayer-funded medical care for illegals--funded by all U.S. taxpayers via Medicare/Medicaid funds provided by the federal government. A couple of months ago the state "only" covered illegals up to age 19. Now the state has expanded this to covering illegals up to age 26.
What's next? Is "age 26" set in stone? Why not cover every illegal up to age 35? Why not 50?
Why not...all illegals? Which, of course, is the commitment from all the Dem candidates.
Welcome to the new America, under Democrat rule. This is what they are determined to do. And you'll pay for it. Cuz, fairness, citizen.
Below, the shit-eatin' grin of Democrat governor of California, Gavin Newsome. He and his fellow Dems rule that state with huge majorities in both chambers of the legislature. And Californians seem to be fine with whatever the Dems do. Which is good since they can't do jack about it.

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