July 10, 2019

Left-liberal tells long-time friend "Ditch MAGA hat or I'll...unfriend you!" She chooses the hat.

A person took to Twatter to tell followers (and of course the world) that xhe'd "unfriended" a long-time friend.  Here's the poor Twatter-user in its own words:
I share a story in today's newsletter about my decision to unfriend someone I've known since high school over her decision to wear a MAGA hat.  I gave her a choice, and she chose the hat over me.
So breathlessly this person's X-thousand slobbering followers rushed to xer "newsletter" to get all the fascinating, drama-laden details of this earthshaking event.  Seems the friend had posted pics of her wearing a MAGA hat.

Yes, that's right, citizen:  the red hat that means "Make American Great Again"--the president's slogan.  Seems the Twatter snowflake viewed this as a terrible offense, so...
I gave my friend an ultimatum. I told her I wouldn’t unfriend her [if] she apologized for wearing the hat and promised me I wouldn’t have to see it in my feed again. When she claimed I was trying to police her beliefs, I corrected her, pointing out that my conditions only regarded the hat, not her position on any particular issue. When she claimed that she’s equally offended by the Pride flag, I corrected her again, explaining that objecting to a symbol of inclusion is in no way comparable to objecting to a symbol of exclusion and that she was making a false equivalency. When she said, “If I can’t have an opinion about something then I guess I don’t really live in a free country,” I knew there was no longer enough common ground for us to have a relationship.
Summary:  The Twatter whiner demanded that his friend apologize for wearing the hat and promise not to post any pics of that awful hate-crime again.  For some reason she declined his offer.

Now for the fun:  Based on what you know about American politics and society today, can anyone correctly guess the political party, sex, gender and appearance of the control-freak Twatter user?

If you guessed gay beta male, pro-trans; leftist and Democrat, you win.  Oh, and he writes for John Podesta's hard-Left website "ThinkProgress."

The comments were a hoot:  "Imagine coming second to a hat and then bragging about it to the rest of the world."

“WEAR WHAT I TELL YOU TO OR THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES," eh?  You remind me so much of an abusive boyfriend that it makes me sick.

"The hat never asked her to bend the knee."

Okay, this was way off my regular beat of current politics, but I did this cuz it seems to me that the guy's attitude is a low-intensity version of the tactics used every day by self-styled liberals and "progressives":  'You will do as we demand or we'll send our thugs to beat you up, vandalize your stores, threaten your kids, pressure your employer to fire you and so on.

Every word this guy wrote screams "control freak."  Do you imagine that if he had the power to ban MAGA hats, that he wouldn't?

H/T Ace of Spades.


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