Former Clinton advisor Phillipe Reines tweets address and tel of bookstore that called cops on woman harassing Bannon
In the latest escalation of the Democrats' calls to "make the lives of Trump officials and supporters miserable wherever you see them" a woman screamed at Steve Bannon for several minutes as he browsed titles at an independent bookstore. The bookstore's
manager found the screaming offensive and told the woman to stop, but she refused.
So the bookstore manager called the cops, and the woman left.
Seems reasonable -- someone was being disruptive in his store, and refused to either leave or cease, so he called the cops.
The left doesn't see the manager's actions as reasonable. Instead they see the manager as viciously thwarting the sacred right of leftists to harass people who worked for Trump, or voted for him.
And sure enough, Hillary Clinton campaign advisor Phillipe Reines took to twatter to publish the bookstore's address and phone number. People with a minimum of two neurons would quickly conclude that Reines was tacitly encouraging leftists to harass the bookstore owner for refusing to allow his bookstore for purposes of leftist harassment.
The Left has gone from harassing Trump officials to harassing people who simply fail to support the Left in its harassment efforts.
So the bookstore manager called the cops, and the woman left.
Seems reasonable -- someone was being disruptive in his store, and refused to either leave or cease, so he called the cops.
The left doesn't see the manager's actions as reasonable. Instead they see the manager as viciously thwarting the sacred right of leftists to harass people who worked for Trump, or voted for him.
And sure enough, Hillary Clinton campaign advisor Phillipe Reines took to twatter to publish the bookstore's address and phone number. People with a minimum of two neurons would quickly conclude that Reines was tacitly encouraging leftists to harass the bookstore owner for refusing to allow his bookstore for purposes of leftist harassment.
The Left has gone from harassing Trump officials to harassing people who simply fail to support the Left in its harassment efforts.
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