Germans paying 3 to 18 times more than we are for electricity. Why the huge diff?
"In 2023, the average wholesale price of electricity in the United States was $36 per megawatt hour (MWh), down from $63/MWh in 2022. In 2024 the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects that wholesale electricity prices will be "similar to 2023 in most regions," with the exception of the Northeast. It expects wholesale prices in New York will increase to $48/MWh, and $60/MWh in New England."
The above are *average* prices. Now compare those with *peak prices*:
Average American: "Why are those prices so hugely different? $36 per MWh average, versus a peak of $290 in the nothwest! What the hell?" I'll explain below. Meanwhile...
Compare the average prices to the following propaganda:
"The cost of electricity varies by source, with solar being the cheapest renewable energy (all per MWh):"
Solar, standalone: $32.78
Geothermal: $36.40
Wind, onshore: $36.93
Combined cycle: $37.11
Solar, hybrid: $47.67
Hydroelectric: $55.26
Biomass: $89.21
Battery storage: $119.84
Wind, offshore: $120.52
Now: given the claimed low costs of those sources above, you'd think that Europe would have reely low electricity costs, cuz they have so much wind and solar, eh? Yeah, well...
On 12/12 German citizens will have to pay an *average* of $414 per megawatt hour (MWh), the highest cost since December 2022. And between 5pm and 6pm the wholesale price was a staggering $980 per MWh--highest in 18 years.
Compare that to U.S. peak prices shown above, with the *highest* peak being $290, while east of the Rockies the highest peak in September was $54.
The reason German prices spiked was that cloud cover slashed solar output, and cold weather killed wind power. Whoops, now what?
"Good thing we still have nuclear, eh?" Oh wait...Under the leadership of the cunning communist Angela Merkel, Germany closed all its flawless, reliable nuclear generating plants, cuz...uh...reasons.
"Well we can always fall back on nasty coal-fired plants just til the clouds and cold leave, right?" Whoops, sorry! The Greens closed those too! So that leaves...wait for it...clean natural gas. But that's expensive, and because no utility wants to have to shut off power to its customers, they bid up the price hugely during peak hours.
Voila! $980 per MWh. Which, for the record, is 18 times the U.S. peak east of the Rockies.
But Democrats and greenies keep pushing wind and solar, bleating that duh dread poison gas CO2 is killing duh Erf!
Wait, nuclear power doesn't emit CO2, so what's wrong with it as a power source?
But of course Dems, leftists and greens block every nuclear project. Well how about totally carbon-free hydropower?
"NOOooo, we will NOT allow you to build dams cuz they flood lovely valleys! We will only allow windmills and solar panels, because they're 'green' energy that doesn't spoil our planet!" claim windmills and solar panels don't produce any waste? Have you seen the square *miles* of windmill blades piled in west Texas that can never be recycled? You DO realize that it takes more heat energy to melt pure silicon to make a solar panel than that panel will produce in its life, right?
"Whut? NOooo, dude! Ain't no movin' parts in solar panels, so dey last *forever!* My neighbor put 'em on his roof TEN YEARS ago, and they're just fine!"
Uhh...does the paint on a house last forever? Even 20 years?
"Whut? Don't be silly, dude. Solar panels ain't paint!"
Ahh. What about hail damage?
"Whut? Don't be silly! Dey gots reel strong glass on top! Hail can't break it!"
But Dems and greens will keep pushing wind and solar, making electricity cost 4 or 5 times what we could make it for using natural gas. Costing the average family an extra thousand bucks or so every year. And as long as the Warmie grifters are in power, American will keep buying the "climate change" b.s.
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