December 07, 2024

With Trump president, *suddenly* Obama bleats that he wants to get along. Yet...

One of the absolute truths of politics is that Democrats call conservatives Hitler and fascists, and when the Democrats win they ram thru every socialist, freedom-stealing policy they can, crowing that "Elections have consequences."  They don't care about "bipartisan" stuff, or compromise, or even getting along.

But when they lose, their bleat suddenly changes to "We need to be bipartisan!  Republicans need to 'reach across the aisle' to work with us for the good of the country."

Of course what they really mean is that Republicans--now in control--need to compromise their principles to please the Democrat party.  And yet when the Dems are in control they NEVAH compromise THEIR principles.  And of course every Dem in congress always supports the party, while just enough RINOs support Dems to block any conservative GOP bills. 

Thus it has always been, and we're seeing it again today, as the lying, racist, socialist snake Obozo gave a big speech at his own "foundation" (which, like the Clinton foundation, paying the founder's expenses) calling for "pluralism"--which is supposedly tolerating differing viewpoints.  But the lying son of a bitch repeatedly blasts Republicans, claiming THEY want to "weaponize government agencies" against Democrats.

Wait...that's exactly what Democrats did with Trump, repeatedly.  So NOW you're claiming Trump will do the same to you that you did to him...and "We can't allow this to happen," eh?

And yet it was fine when the Biden regime did it, eh?  You had a chance to help the country heal, if you'd condemned the biden regime's weaponization of the "justice" department and FBI to persecute Trump for NOTHING--like paying back loans on time and with interest, but calling it fraud.

You're a son of satan, asshole.  You've deliberately, cunningly done huge damage to race relations in this country.  Anyone remember Obozo's inflammatory line "If they bring a knife, we bring a gun"?

SO...listen to Obozo's speech last week.  Sure, he piously bleats that he wants "pluralism" (getting along), but see if you hear anything that actually supports that.  You won't.  It's one sly attack after another on conservatives.

You lie, Obozo.  You've always lied.  It's how you got power and became president, from corrupt Chitcongo.  Anyone remember his lie that "If you like your doctor and your health plan, you can keep them"?  Or "Under my plan the average family will SAVE $2,500 per year"?  They knew that was a lie, but they needed every single vote in congress to get Obozocare passed.


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