December 08, 2024

The Democrat party wants illegals to be able to vote, period

If you don't follow current events closely, let me bring you up to speed: the treasonous, anti-American Democrat party wants illegals to be able to vote.

Of course only a few of 'em actually say that.  Instead what they do is challenge EVERY attempt to make people show valid photo-ID to vote.  What that means is that anyone can walk into a voting place and claim to be registered citizen Suzy Jones, and vote.  Neat, eh?

The Democrats also use liberal judges to block EVERY effort to purge voter rolls of dead people and those who no longer live in the precinct where they were registered.

Finally, in many states the Democrat party has abolished the requirement to have witness signatures, with names and addresses, on mail-in ballots.  What that means is that anyone who gets a mail-in ballot (and some Dem-ruled states send mail-in ballots to EVERY resident) addressed to Suzy Jones can vote, scrawl an illegible "signature", and the ballot will be counted as valid.

If the real Suzy show up on election day to vote in person, she'll be told she's already voted by mail.  Objecting that she never did that is useless.  At BEST the Dem poll-workers will give her a "provisional ballot," which lets her vote but doesn't disqualify the fraudulent mail-in ballot (which in most cases cannot be identified).  So if Suzy votes republican her vote is cancelled out, and if she votes Dem the fraudulent vote is counted.

Hell of a system, eh?

So...if you get your "newz" from the Mainstream Media you can't believe any of what you just read.  "Un-possible!" y'say, cuz honest people would think all Americans would want honest elections, right?  So who could possibly object to photo-ID, witness signatures on mail-in ballots, and purging voter rolls of those who've died or moved away, eh?

But interestingly, Dems block all efforts to ensure that only American citizens vote in national elections.  They claim photo-ID "suppresses votes."  Latest example:  

Last March, voters in the city of Huntington Beach, CA, voted to enact a law requiring photo-ID to vote.  Even before the measure passed, the state's corrupt Democrat attorney-general (Rob Bonta) warned the city that if voters passed the measure the state would sue the city for violating state election law, "suppressing minority votes"!

Voters--realizing what Bonta was really trying to do--passed the measure anyway. So Bonta--acting for the mighty, Democrat-ruled State--sued.

Bonta's lawsuit claims California election law already has "robust ID requirements at the time of registration to ensure every voter is eligible."  

Really, asshole?  Horseshit.  Per the Democrats' "Motor Voter Act," for decades anyone applying for a driver's license in the state was automatically registered to vote--UNLESS they "affirmatively stated" that they weren't U.S. citizens.  Think any did that?  Moreover, applicants didn't know they had to "affirmatively opt out," and the Democrats who exclusively staff the DMV rarely mentioned it.  So hundreds of thousands were registered.

Ahh, I see my lib friends think that's a "right-wing conspiracy story."  That's because you don't know shit about California, because the Mainstream Media didn't tell ya.  

What happened was, being registered to vote automatically put you on the rolls of possible *jurors.*  And 20 years ago conservatives who worked as court clerks noticed that lots of people who'd gotten a summons for jury duty declined, by claiming they weren't U.S. citizens.

The workers found this very strange, since the only way the people declining would end up in the pool of potential jurors would be if they were registered to vote.  Ahh...

So a conservative group did a sample, and the results suggested that hundreds of thousands of non-citizens had been registered to vote in the state.

Now: obviously non-citizens who had no desire to vote wouldn't do so, so Dems bleated "No harm, no foul."  Except--if a Dem operative was trying to harvest illegal votes, asking illegals to request a mail-in ballot would produce a lucrative income.

So back to Huntington Beach: the city's photo-ID requirement is set to go into effect starting 2026.  So to block the city's measure the Democrat-ruled state legislature quickly passed a state law (SB 1174) barring cities or counties from requiring voters to show photo-ID.  The corrupt Newsom signed that into law in September.

Armed with this new law, Bonta's lawsuit bleated that “Under both existing law and Senate Bill 1174, local governments are prohibited from disenfranchising voters at the polls by implementing voter ID requirements.”

Read how cunningly the Democrat A-G phrases his arguments:

“The right to freely cast your vote is the foundation of our democracy and Huntington Beach’s voter ID policy flies in the face of this principle.  State laws already contain robust voter ID requirements with strong protections to prevent voter fraud, while ensuring that every eligible voter can cast their ballot without hardship.  Imposing unnecessary obstacles to voter participation disproportionately burdens low-income voters, voters of color, young or elderly voters, and people with disabilities.”

Cunning.  Snake-like.  "Unnecessary obstacles" to voting?  Not at all.  Requiring would-be voters to show they are who they claim to be in order to vote seems both necessary and entirely reasonable.  

And IF in fact the state now requires people registering to vote to prove citizenship (which definitely was NOT the case for decades!), that would NOT prevent voter fraud if would-be voters could claim to be someone else.  Bonta had to know this, but by bleating that the state has "robust" requirements to register, the Democrat A-G is deliberately pushing an irrelevant diversion, since the state requirement would not have any bearing on the question of someone voting by claiming to be a registered voter.

Bonta knew the state requirement has no bearing at all on the issue at hand.  Draw your own conclusions.

Source. (a leftist outfit)


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