Fauci and biden: "Duh jab is TOTALLY safe and effective"
Fauci insisted the "jab" would prevent you from getting the Chyna virus. Absolutely, unequivocally assured ya.
Surprise! He was lying. And he knew it. But he kept insisting that if you took the jab you couldn't possibly get the virus! Cuz after all, they called it a "vaccine," and that's what vaccines do, right?
Months later, after people started filing lawsuits, the CDC was forced to actually change the official definition of a "vaccine" from something that prevented you from getting a disease, to something that reduced your chances of dying from the disease. So yeah, they absolutely knew.
And yet they let Porridgebrain look right into the camera and SWEAR that "If you take the vaccine you CANNOT get Covid!" That was parroted by every dumb liberal talking-head in the Lying Mainstream Media, including such overpaid shitheads as Rachel Madcow and Larry O'Donnell.
Democrat voter: "Wait, you don't really think the prezzie and the totally honest pipo in duh Mainstream Media LIE to us, do ya? Dat jus' un-possible!"
Yeah, well....
But hey, dey wud nevah lie to YOU, citizen! Nevah!
And now the jab-pushers are claiming dat duh huge increase in the number of Americans with disabilities is NOT due to duh jab, but is caused by...the virus!
In that case the percentage of UN-jabbed Americans with disabilities should be even higher than the percentage of jabbed, eh? Cuz more of the un-jabbed should have gotten duh virus, eh?
Now: you and I aren't allowed to consult jab records (which the CDC has) to find out if any given person has taken the jab. But the CDC knows, and has almost certainly done the comparison above. They know which group has more disabilities now. If the percentage of those with disabilities is larger in one group than the other, that would be of HUGE importance, eh?
SO...if Americans who took the jab have a lower incidence of post-covid disabilities, or even the SAME incidence, don't ya think Fauci and his lackeys would have EAGERLY told us that?
Take as much time as you like with that answer.
But they haven't. What does that tell you?
They know the truth. And with a new head of the CDC and FDA, it's just barely possible that we'll get the true numbers.
If I were Fauci or any of his fellow conspirators I'd be a bit worried.
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