Cali government confirms excess deaths among "young people"
If you do your own research you've probably heard that young people in the U.S. are dying at a higher rate than usual.
Democrats don't believe that. "Dis not true!! Dis fake newz! Cuz if it wuz true, duh CDC or FDA would've told us!"
Go play in the traffic, shills.
"Conspiracy tale," eh? Well morons, here's a report from California's "Legislative Analysts' Office."
“Overall mortality among Californians between the ages of 15 and 44 is still *much higher* than it was before the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Let's define "much higher."
“In 2023 the death rate for Californians 15-to-44 was 128 per 100,000 people. By contrast, in 2019 it was just 99 per 100,000—an increase of nearly 30 percent.”
Wow. In a small population--say a few thousand--we could expect the death rate might vary by as much as two percent from year to year. But in a huge population (likely around 15 million) a 29% increase in death rates in 4 years is *clearly* not normal.
Ahh, don't worry, citizen: the State assures you that it's all perfectly explainable!
Notably, 60% of this increase is due to overdoses, mainly fentanyl. Another 10% is due to alcohol and car crashes.
Wow, that's a relief, eh? Cuz as long as we can blame the increase on something safe for Democrats, like fentanyl, it's all guud, right? We just can't have anyone thinking the increase might be due to, say, duh jab--ordered by biden and Democrat-ruled school boards.
See, if 60% of duh increase in death rates is due to fentanyl, and another ten percent to alcohol and car crashes, we don't have to be concerned about the remaining, unexplained 30% of the increase--in which case Democrats who ordered your kids to take the jab to attend school or university are off the hook! Wow, that's a relief, eh?
SO...if we can blame fentanyl, booze and car wrecks for 70% of the increase in deaths, that leaves just a paltry 30% with no identified explanation, eh? And 30% of the 29.3% increase means deaths NOT due to fentanyl (or other similar opioids) are a mere 8.8% higher than pre-pandemic. a population of 15 million that's still WAY more than the expected variation!
Democrats: "No it's not! An increase of 8.8% is perfekly normal, stupid deplorable!"
No, it's not even close. Look at the graph of death rates for this population over the years. Doesn't go spiky 'til 2021.
Democrats: "NOOooo! Yew lie! Dat not true!"
I'm tired of dealing with your stupidity. Your Dem prezzy, ordered workers to take the jab or be fired, and Dem governors and Dem/socialist school boards (obeying the teachers' unions) ordered your kids to take the jab to go to public skool. And you dutifully obeyed, cuz dey sed duh jab was "safe...and effective!"
We warned you that the FDA and CDC and Fauci knew the jab caused lots of damage to young people--who almost never got covid. But of course yew believed the Democrats' bullshit.
Hey, your kids, your choice, right sparky?
Now: An increase from 99 deaths to 128 per 100,000 is obviously 29 per 100K. And 30% of that increase is a mere 8.8 per 100K.
So in a population of 15 million people in the 15-to-44 age group that would be around 130 unexplained deaths above the historic rate. So the portion of death NOT due to fentanyl, alcohol or car wrecks almost certainly didn't kill one of your kids. So no harm, no foul, right?
Now: since the jab obviously can't be undone, why bother telling you this, eh?
Because it's certain to happen again.
Not a single government official (like Fauci) has apologized for their lies, let alone been prosecuted. Quite the opposite: they've circled the wagons and are confident they can run out the clock to keep from being prosecuted.
They're all retiring with their generous, taxpayer-paid pensions. And since your spouse or kid didn't die from the jab, you don't see a problem with the forced jab and the lies. I get it.
It's understandable that "high government officials" can make mistakes. But when we have emails from PhDs to Fauci saying Covid was likely modified in a lab, and then Fauci ordering subordinates to write papers claiming the opposite, that would seem to be evidence of malice.
You believed their lies about Covid and the jab, and some Democrats are still wearing masks to this day. You don't believe this will ever happen again, so nothing to be learned from any of it, eh?
Some people refuse to learn.
Source: California govt
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