October 12, 2024

"Democracy," Democrat-style: The Media love it!

For young Americans (for whom time began last week):  In 2020 Cackles Harris ran for the Democrat nomination for president.

She dropped out before the FIRST primary, because she was SO unpopular.  Couldn't get past ONE PERCENT in her damn home state of Montreal...wait, my bad: California.  She was raised in Montreal, in a million-dollar neighborhood, but claims to be "from da hood" in Oakland, totally middle-class, eh?

Utter horseshit.  In any case, she's never won a SINGLE primary, not one, either in 2020 or this year.  But because in 2020 the utterly corrupt biden promised to pick a black female as his VP (to win black and female votes), she was handed that high position.  Wow!

Fast-forward to this year:  bidumb won the Dem nomination because Cackles and the entire Lying Mainstream Media absolutely assured Americans bidumb was, like, TOTALLY competent (the exact phrase--repeated endlessly--was "sharp as a tack").  But the people who run the Democrat party knew all along that he was a vegetable.  That wouldn't have been a problem except they finally realized that a huge percentage of voters KNEW bidumb was incompetent.

So 70-odd days ago the rulers pulled the switcheroo, FORCING biden to withdraw and handing the nomination (and $300 million dollars of campaign funds) to Cackles.

Cuz according to Democrats dat how democracy works!  See, dey say Orange Man beez a "threat to ouah precious democracy," so dey gots ta save it!  So dey had ta doo dis'.  SEE?  Dem voters voted fo' one candidate, he win every primary, but party rulerz see dat candidate gon' lose, so dey gift nomination to a moronic female who's never won a single primary.  

SEE?  Fo' duh pipo who run duh Democrat party, dat beez duh very definition of "democracy"!

And because so many Democrat voters are stupid, and hate duh Orange Man, dey eagerly nod an' lap dis up!  Dey don' see any problem wif duh Partei forcin' out duh guy who won all duh Dem primaries, cuz duh only t'ing dat mattah to Dems beez POWER, eh?

So you voted fo' bidumb, Dem rulerz gibs you Cackles, raise a BILLION dollars an' sez "We haz defended ouah precious democracy."

Democracy, baby!


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