October 12, 2024

Interesting video from the Democrat-ruled "paradise" of Chitcongo

The video below will only take a bit over a minute of your precious time.  It's from Chitcongo a few days ago.  I'll let you figure out what's happening.  

Particularly note how well-organized this is: Look at all the big trucks the looters have assembled next to the tracks, and are loading with their stolen loot.

For Democrat morons: stealing from local businesses is a state crime, and we know Cook County DA Kim Foxx (black female) will never prosecute.  But stealing from interstate trains is a FEDERAL crime, since the faaaaabulous federal gruberment has sole jurisdiction over "interstate commerce," eh?

So where are the feds?  Do ya think the communist Merrick Garland--supposedly the "highest law-enforcement officer in the nation" (what a fucking joke!) will order his FBI to arrest these looters?

Hahahahahahahahahaha!  Not even close!  Two sets of laws, deplorables!  If yew steal an' yew ain't a Dem politician or a member of a "specially-protected class," yew goin' to prison.  But the "connected" or "protected" always get away with it, cuz...the communist son of a whore who commands the FBI and the DO"J" smirks and ignores crimes committed by his supporters.

Welcome to Dem-ruled America, citizen.


The comments are a hoot: "Dey jus' tryin' ta feed dere famblies."

"There were a hundred cars on this train.  How'd they know which one had the big-screen TVs?"


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