October 11, 2024

biden regime exchanged black lesbian WNBA player held by Russia for an arms dealer

Merchant of Death Back in Business

A year or so ago the Biden/Harris regime was faced with a PR problem from the black and LGBTQRS commmunity: a black lesbian WNBA player was caught with drugs in Russia and sentenced to jail.

When U.S. intel agents are captured, the government has a strong interest in their release.  But racist, America-hating Brittney Griner wasn't an intel agent.  But because blacks and the LGBTetc mafia demanded the harris/bidumb regime offer the Russians an attractive deal to get her release, that's what happened.  Total bowing to their will.

So harris/biden traded a notorious Russian arms dealer--Viktor Bout—for a black lesbian who was dumb enough to bring drugs into Russia.

Totally reasonable exchange, eh?  So let’s see what the arms dealer has been up to since he was traded by the savvy harris/biden regime for a black lesbian.

Answer: he's back in business selling small arms to Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi militants.

Biden's hand-picked national-security adviser Jake Sullivan said based on his assessment of the risks, the U.S. had concluded the exchange was a great idea.




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