October 16, 2024

In case you need a reminder. And half of Americans definitely do!

Dad to 14-year-old kid: "Here's a pic of gas prices on the day the Media said biden won.  And as you may know, gas costs about $3.50 a gallon now, which is why we can't afford to go on vacation this Christmas."


Kid: "Dat not possible!  MSNBC said gas cost more when Trump was president, an' dat becuz of duh policies of ouah faabulous Dem preznit, drillin more oil, he's lowered the price of gas every year!  So dis hasta be some kind of fake!  Photoshopped or AI or sumpin'."

Dad: "Hate to break it to ya but your mom and I actually lived thru that time and bought gas every week or so, and this photo is accurate." 

Kid: "You're jus' sayn dat cuz you don't like ouah faaaaabulous Dem nominee, duh wunnerful Kamala!  The woman who singlehandedly closed the border Trump opened!  The woman who says she'll pay off any loans I need to go to Hahvahd and get a degree in Womens' Studies.  The woman who will pay for my sex change!"

Dad: "Are we actually related?  Where did you get all this crap?"

Kid: "MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC.  An' dey would nevah lie to us cuz dat against duh law!  It's right there in the Constitution!"

Dad: "There's only one way to get you to see the light:  You're out of here, today."

Kid: "I'll sue your ass for non-support!  Besides, governor Walz already said I could sleep at his place for as long as it took me to find a new home!"


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