September 09, 2024

The harris/biden regime consistently reports more jobs created, then later revises down

As it has done every month, the harris/biden regime continues to lie to voters about job growth.

Every month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports job-creation numbers that are actually terrible, but are reported by the Lying Mainstream Media as faaaabulous.  But then a month later, when the BLS quietly "revises" the number of jobs really created–often by huge amounts--the Mainstream Media *always* ignores the downward revision.


The latest report is no exception.  Last Friday (9/6) the BLS released its latest jobs report, claiming the economy created 142,000 jobs in August–a figure "close to economists’ expectations" (actually well below the dismal forecast).

That awful number prompted CNN to cheer “The sky is not falling”--cuz it was "close to expectations," eh?

So...YAY!  Duh regime beez great!  As Cackles constantly cackles, "Bidenomics is working!"  But buried in the last few pages of the BLS report is the fact that the BLS "revised" the number of jobs created in both June and July.  Can you guess which direction?  And was the revision small or...awful?

Let's look, eh?  The BLS originally claimed 206,000 jobs were created in June.  YAY!  Got huge positive headlines because the Media bleated that "it beat economists’ expectations."  But now, after two sharp downward revisions in August and September, the BLS now says the REAL number of jobs created in June was just 118,000.

Whoa!  That means the number of jobs actually created in June was a stunning 42% *fewer* than the regime's Bureau of "Labor Lies" initially claimed!

Did anyone see a headline announcing that?  Of course not...since that would reveal how badly they lied.  

Or are they just that incompetent?

That may strike Democrats as a far more plausible explanation than deliberately lying--until you examine ALL the revisions when both Trump and harris/biden were in the White House:  What you find is that with biden as prezzie the BLS *always* over-claimes and then revises downward in the next two months.

But when Trump was president it always went the other way: the first month would be at or slightly below the "consensus forecast," but would later be revised UPWARD by tens of thousands.  Hmmm...

Now let's look at July's initial estimate:  The consensus forecast was for 175,000 new jobs would be added in July.  The Lying Media--knowing that number was well below the 235,000 needed to keep unemployment steady--wrote headline like this:
>>Jobs Report Forecasts Show Moderating Hiring Gains>>

Ahh, "Moderating hiring," y'say.  But that was based on the experts' estimate.  The lackeys at BLS claimed just 114,000 jobs were created in July, 35% below the estimate, and 120,000 fewer than needed to keep unemployment steady.

That's AWFUL, but you never saw a critical word about it.  Instead the Media used terms like "soft landing" and "a Goldilocks scenario" (i.e. "just right") to describe the disaster.

But in September's report (3 days ago) the BLS "revised" the July number--again downward:  "Oh, did we say 114,000 jobs created in July?  For some totally unknown reason we wuz jus' a li'l bit too high:  Ouah new number is 89,000."

89,000 is 22% below their first bleat--and barely HALF of the consensus forecast.  Should have triggered GHASTLY headlines.  If this had happened while Trump was in office it would have.  But you never heard a *word* about it.

If you think June and July were anomalies, think again: the regime has done the same thing all year.  In January the BLS first claimed 353,000 jobs were created, but now says the real number was 256,000--97,000 jobs fewer than their initial headline-grabbing bleat.

In April the BLS claimed 175,000 new jobs. Now it says there were only 108,000.

In just the first seven months of the year, this scam inflated job growth by 365,000. And given the track record, we fully expect the BLS to eventually cut back the August job creation number.

But it’s much worse than that. Last month, the BLS released its preliminary “benchmark” revision, in which it matches up its job estimates over the course of the previous year to other, more reliable data.

The result: 818,000 jobs the biden regime claimed had been created in the past year were never created  — which means it had been exaggerating job growth for all of 2023 as well.

And the benchmark revision before that showed the BLS had exaggerated job growth by 306,000 in 2022.

Add it all up and it appears that nearly 1.5 million jobs the Biden-Harris administration had claimed to exist did not, in fact, exist.

Of course, we’d never in a million years suggest that the number crunchers at the Bureau of Labor Statistics were, as Donald Trump claimed, “fraudulently manipulating the jobs statistics” for political reasons.  But when virtually every federal bureaucrat is a Democrat-supporting big-government liberal, and every so-called "mistake" is always in the direction that makes the biden-harris regime look better–-it does make you wonder.



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