September 01, 2024

Polls show young American women support the Democrat party by a HUGE margin

I see the latest polls show young women in the U.S. say they support Cackles by roughly 70-30.  Let's see why that is, eh?

Young women know that if they have a useless college major that won't give 'em a good job, duh Democrat regime will take care of 'em an' give 'em everything they want.  By contrast, Trump is like dad:  rules!  Scary!  Hate doze rulez, eh?  Plus the Democrats and Media claim he "outlawed abortion."  That's utter horseshit but Democrats and the Media bleat it so it must be true, eh?  So it's no surprise that women vote Democrat.

By contrast, far fewer government (taxpayer-funded) freebies are available to young men.  And men who haven't killed their brains with drugs know the Democrat party has stabbed them in the back by allowing 11 MILLION illegal aliens (which the regime cunningly calls 'newcomers') to enter the U.S. simply by walking across the border.  The Dems then give the illegals free food, housing, free medical care--and increasingly in Dem-ruled states free college tuition.  

And now the communist Democrats who rule California's legislature have passed a bill to give no-interest loans of up to $150,000 to illegal aliens to buy a home.

Democrats: "Stop right there, deplorable!  Dat loan program wuz NOT a gift just to our 'newcomers'!  American citizens can also apply!  Of course dat program is out of money now, and any money loaned to our beloved 'newcomers' reduces the amount available to other applicants, but dat okay, cuz it beez fair.  It fair cuz we Dems have decreed that 'newcomers' have exactly the same rights as American citizens.  See??  Totally fair!
   Same wif' free college tuition.  We gives it to duh 'newcomers' jus' like we gives it to citizens!  Wait...yew say yew DIDN'T get free college tuition, citizen?  Gosh, dat too bad!  Oh well, at least yew kin get your student loans paid off by duh harris regime, eh?  Oh wait, yew din' borrow money to go to college?  An' yew don' think yo' taxes should be used to pay off student loans for those who DID take dat cash?
   Looks like yew outa' luck again, citizen."

The Democrat party has always been in the business of bribing people for votes.  It's why the harris/biden/mayorkas regime is throwing billions at 'newcomers' get their votes.  And they count on you being too uninformed to realize the regime is giving duh 'newcomers' free everything while you have to work for it.

A century ago Democrats realized they could use taxpayer dollars to bribe voters into keeping them in power.  What young person in their right mind would vote for that kind of government, eh?

Oh, dat right: women and 'newcomers' (the cunning regime term for illegal aliens).   

So I guess we've found why young female citizens say dey gon' vote for Cackles by 70-30, eh?


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