September 01, 2024

Ever play with dominoes as a kid?

Big Pharma is doing hit-piece after hit-piece on RFK jr. after he endorsed Trump, because Pharma fears a huge threat to their profits if Trump wins.  

And as anyone could have predicted, academic "experts" are joining the attack, predicting epidemics--total disaster--if anyone criticizes vaccines.

Now let me quickly say that I'm not a luddite: I don't oppose vaccines per se.  What I utterly hate is when your rulers ORDER you and your kids to take a jab that has NOT been thoroughly tested, and has known deadly side effects; and when the regime has deliberately hidden those deaths.

You're damn right I hate that shit--as you should if you've got a functioning brain.

The Chyna virus is no more deadly than the flu.  It killed elderly people because Fauci pushed "treatment" that killed instead of cured.  And it was hyped by the Mainstream Media as super-deadly because the Media loves disasters, and residents of Wuhan uploaded hours of cell-phone video of Chinese cops dragging people into vans and carting 'em off, presumably because they showed symptoms.

Of course this is the Chinese Communist Party's response to everything:  The top priority of the commie rulers is Control, just as it is with the Democrat party here.  Communists know that losing control is usually fatal.  By contrast, here in the U.S. the corrupt "judicial system" lets the lying sons of bitches retire with a fat government pension.

So...a commenter noted the sequence in the U.S.:
  * the CDC and FDA--at Fauci's command--hid all mention of serious side effects
  * they told you the vax was "effective" in preventing vaxxed people from getting the virus *even though they knew that was a lie!
  • they banned you from getting medicines that had been approved decades earlier for human use by "your" FDA [hahahaha!], and that cured infected people;
  * state medical boards--always supporting the Mainstream Narrative--yanked the medical license of any doctor who had the audacity to *prescribe* one of those approved drugs to patients;
  * they threatened to yank the license of any pharmacist who filled such prescriptions;
  * they ordered the Post Office to *seize* either of these drugs an American ordered from overseas;
  • they pressured editors of medical journals not to publish any papers by doctors and researchers showing great results for either drug
  • the shit-eating Democrats who totally control the government of California even passed a LAW making it a crime for doctors to tell their patients that either of the drugs was effective;
  • the regime refused to stop Democrat governors like New York's Andrew Cuomo from ORDERING nursing homes to accept elderly people who had the virus, killing well over 35,000 people, boosting the climate of fear.

The control was total, complete.

The medical community totally supported the lying son of a bitch Fauci and his lackeys--and by doing so, condemned roughly half a million Americans to a needless death.  Instead Fauci pushed a known killer drug called Remdesivir, and "ventilators," which practitioners quickly found were deadly.

Fauci should be tried and publicly executed.  Yep, I went there.  He's that bad.  Evil.  He did it all for ego and money.  And his ego is SO obvious: "People who criticize me are really criticizing Science!"  Really?  He's been a fraud for his entire career.

And the medical community eagerly bowed and kissed his lying, fraudulent ass.  Perhaps some truly believed him, but others were simply too scared to stand up to his ORDERS.

So what does this have to do with dominoes, eh?  What we saw in 2020 and 2021 was called "mass psychosis."  And it worked, and saddled us with the most corrupt president in history--and his totally moronic VP, who is likely to win in November.

The Chyna virus was the first domino:  Covid "plandemic" allows --> mail-in ballots; enabling --> massive election fraud, giving us --> corrupt, senile biden and his DEI VP --> Democrats see massive loss, so they pressure the senile biden to renounce the nomination --> Dems nominate communist racist Cackles, 24 years younger than Porridgebrain --> another fraudulent election makes Cackles prezzy.  Wow. 

Enjoy!  Thanks, Fauci.  Thanks, Democrats.


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