August 08, 2024

Last year Cackles gave a speech in which she said we need to reduce population. No one blinked

In July of last year, in a speech at Coppin State University in the Democrat stronghold of Baltimore, the recently-announced Democrat nominee for prezzy declared that to meet “our climate change goals," governments must “reduce population.”

Every day we feel and see the impact of the deadly climate crisis.  I mean, if you watch the morning news, it will be the lead story every time, cuz that's the talking points we give 'em.  It’s been the lead story every day for the last couple of weeks.  The lead story.
   I think we finally, at least in our progress, come to the point that most people can no longer deny the crisis because it is so obvious.

Here in Baltimore you've seen your skies darkened by wildfire smoke from fires in Canada.  Those fires were our fault, cuz too many of our political enemies drive gas-powered cars.
   And you have seen the waters of the Chesapeake Bay rise every day, threatening to destroy homes and businesses even more destructively than rioters burning those homes and businesses that have stood for generations.
   It is clear that the clock is not only ticking, it is banging.  And we must act, having the vision to see what can be, unburdened by what has been--the destructive policies of the evil MAGATs.   
   As your vice-president I have met with students, heads of nonprofit agencies, labor leaders —people who are experts in climate and emissions, who can tell us how to reduce our emissions of deadly CO2 and save the Earth.  But sadly, the people who know what their neighborhoods need--free energy and public transit--don't have access to the money they need to make their ideas a reality.   That is a problem, so I propose to give them three trillion dollars so they can save the planet.
  Today I'm proud to announce the largest investment in financing for community-based climate projects in our nation’s history.  (Applause.)  It’s a good day.
   I will start that by giving $20 billion to a national network of nonprofits and leaders of oppressed communities to fund tens of thousands of climate and clean energy projects across America.  (Applause.)
   We will give oppressed business owners zero-interest loans to buy electric delivery vehicles to reduce pollution and save on gas.
   Houses of worship will now be given government loan guarantees so they can install solar panels on the roof of their building (applause) to generate affordable clean electricity for the entire neighborhood.  Imagine!  
   And think of all the jobs these billions of dollars will create, including many good-paying union jobs!  
   And in all this work we have put a special focus on communities that have been historically left out and left behind.  The climate crisis impacts everybody, but it does not impact all communities equally.  We intend to help people of color, like you and me.  So to address this inequity, nearly $12 billion of this new funding will be given to "overlooked communities."  (Applause.)
   Yes.  Yes.  It’s time.  It’s time.  It’s time.  Because time is significant.  We should all be aware of the significance of the passage of time. (Applause.)
   And included in my vision of the best way to get these billions to the community, we are working intentionally with community banks instead of the big banks, because as everyone knows, community banks are run by people who live and work in the community; people who know their community firsthand.  They not only know the needs of the community, they know the capacity of the community.  They know the dreams of the community.  They know the ambitions of the community.  And that’s what we need to actually think about how we will get these billions of dollars to the folks who know what to do with it.
   As a senator I helped secure $12 billion for community banks.  And as Vice President, I have made community banks central to our economic agenda.  (Applause.)

The Democrat-fellating audience responded to her speech with fanatical cheers and applause.

Now: Cackles actually said most of that, and more.  Reading the actual transcript almost makes you sick because you can see what a total demagogic moron she is.  But by pretending to be black, and promising billions to "underserved populations" the audience is wild with visions of billions.  If you want a frank look at her stupidity, read the official transcript at the link above.

Yeah, for the sarcasm-impaired, some of the above was sarc.  But it's getting almost impossible to tell from reality with Democrat politicians.

Now here's the hoot: In reading the teleprompter Cackles actually did say "When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population..." we'll save duh Erf.  But in the official White House transcript the word "population" was written, then struck through and replaced by "[pollution]," confirming she actually said "population."


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