August 09, 2024

Example # 3,567,398 of "It's OK when Democrats do it"

A couple of nights ago Kamala Harris filed an updated "Statement of Candidacy" (a.k.a. Form 2) designating Tim Walz as her running mate.  So far, fine.

But interestingly, instead of Cackles using her own personal personal candidate ID number (P00009423) on that form, she used biden's (P80000722). is that legal?

Democrats: "Dat mean nuffin', deplorable!  After all, Biden chose her for his VP.  So naturally she'd use his 'candidate ID number'.  Dere iz no problem here!"

Ahh.  So that explains why her "updated" Form 2 shows up on biden's personal FEC page.  But wait...biden is no longer a candidate--let alone the party's nominee-- having been forced out by duh rulerz of duh Dem party.  He's been erased as the Democrat nominee and replaced by Harris, as if he was never the candidate.

Cackles' personal FEC candidate ID number (P00009423) is supposed to follow her for all presidential campaigns for life.  But she just used biden’s  candidate number from both his 2020 and 2024 residential campaigns.  By what loophole is she now using biden's FEC ID number?

The current 2023-2024 FEC record for “Biden for President” (aka “Harris for President,” ID number C00703975) is linked to two presidential candidates--both named “Kamala Harris.” One of these candidates is associated with Harris’s candidate ID number (P00009423), and the other “Kamala Harris” is associated with Biden’s candidate ID number (P80000722).  

Magic, eh?

The Statement of Candidacy that Kamala Harris filed on July 29, using Biden’s personal candidate ID number (P80000722), now shows up under Harris’s ID number. But last night’s filing for that same candidate—number P80000722—shows up for the other “Kamala Harris” who's now running for president. (I suspect FEC lackeys will change the official records in the future to make all the discrepancies between the names and the ID numbers vanish.)

If Cackles had used her own candidate ID number, like every other candidate in modern history, it would have been harder to make the case that she’s entitled to the quarter of a BILLION dollars Democrats had donated to biden.

Imagine the howls of outrage from the Mainstream Media if a conservative candidate had been replaced by his VP pick three months before the election--and the new candidate then simply took over all the money raised for the original, deposed candidate.  But when Dems do it, the Media never says a word.

In the middle of the night the slogan on the side of the barn that had read "All animals are equal" had been changed.  Someone had erased the period and added "...but some animals are more equal than others."

Source: Laura Powell


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