August 08, 2024

Pure demon from hell sneers at the family of the man killed when Trump was shot

There's a demon whose screen name is "American patriot."  I've watched his comments for three years, and he's a pure, unadulterated demon from hell.  

In the latest, Fox News website ran a piece on Corey Comperatore, the firefighter who shielded his family with his body and was fatally shot, and the two injured men who were also shot by the demon who also shot Trump.  Comments were sympathetic to Corey's wife and daughters.

And then came the demon, who wrote this: 

The demon is saying "Screw you" to the families.  Demon.  Straight from hell.  

And his lie claiming to be a "patriot"--very cunning. 

And if you think he was misunderstood, when another commenter suggested naming a stretch of interstate for Corey, here's how he responded:

If you think this is fake, search the link yourself for the guy's name.  Classic Democrat Demon.



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