July 18, 2024

Wokiez in the Secret Service float an utterly absurd "trial balloon" in hopes people will bite

Susan Crabtree has good credentials as a reliable conservative.  She just posted on X (edited):

I just talked to a well-positioned source in the Secret Service community who confirmed  "agency intelligence" supporting a theory that Thomas Crooks was NOT "initially planning to assassinate Trump" but instead was "likely planning to take out people in the crowd in a Vegas-style shooting."

The theory goes that Crooks changed his mind after he was "scrambling to escape police and climbed onto the roof."

Oh yeah, duh po' waif wuz "scrambling to escape duh po-po," eh?

The trial-balloon theory continues that when he saw that nobody was on the roof and that he had a clean shot at Trump, he went for it.

"High-level sources within the Secret Service are convinced he was planning to shoot at the crowd because he used his range-finder on the ground first AND was trying to escape police when he scrambled onto the roof.

Wait...using the range-finder on the ground first doesn't remotely suggeste he wanted to shoot at the crowd instead of at Trump.  And second: ya claim he was trying to escape duh cops when he got on the roof?  There's not a shred of evidence of that.  In fact the 40-odd spectators who yelled to point him out only spotted him AFTER he got on the roof.  He was NOT trying to escape, but to reach his predetermined firing position

Folks, horseshit this brazen is what's known as a "trial balloon:"  the people seeking to defend the corrupt female SS director--a woman with no combat or LE experience who seems to have been named to the position because of Jill Biden--are floating this hoping the Media will parrot it, to reduce the number of people looking at how Crooks got this idea, who he was talking to in the days before and if he got any help.




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