July 16, 2024

A day after the assassination attempt, Dems/Media find a way to twist the thing to their advantage

Astonishingly, less than 48 hours after a wacko tried to kill Trump, killing a heroic bystander (heroic because he died taking a bullet to save his family), Democrats and their Leftist allies in the Mainstream Media have discovered how to turn the attempted assassination to their advantage:

'If this incident makes Trump moderate all his awful, nasty, horrible, divisive positions, it will have been a good thing.'

Democrat strategist and CNN hack Paul Begala said he detests former president BUT that he could become "sympathetic" after the attempt on his life.  And how could that happen?  Begala says Trump would have to "remake his image to woo voters."  Seriously.

A clue for ya, Paul: I suspect Trump and conservatives couldn't care less about your opinion or sympathy.  

A CNN hack asked Begala how difficult it would be for Trump to "re-make his image to woo voters."  Begala replied that it's possible for the former president to now "appear more sympathetic because of the nation's open-mindedness."

That doesn't make a lick of sense, but then consider the source, eh?  Begala explained that Trump needs to push "unity"--like the Democrats' faaaabulous, oh-so-unifying prezzy Joe biden.

Readers need to realize that Democrats push the soothing goal of "unity" when they fear they're about to lose a vote, and the only remaining course is to con our side into giving up our positions in the name of that soothing, reassuring goal.

To Democrats, "unity" means conservatives concede every point to the Dems, and in return the Dems will agree to say nice things about the conservative candidate for, oh, maybe a day.

Think I'm kidding?  Here's Begala again:

"As a Democrat, I can't stand him.  I would love to see him *try to redefine himself* because there's so much division in this country--a whole lot of it is fostered by Donald Trump.  So *if he can change that,* that would be a wonderful thing for our country."

Ahhh, "So much division fostered by Trump," y'say?  Like the fucking Mainstream Media constantly comparing Trump to Hitler?  Constantly screaming that if he's elected it will be "the end of our democracy?"  Repeatedly claiming unemployment was 15% when he left office?  (It was 3.6%)  THAT type of division?

Wait...those claims (and scores of others) were all made by the Dem/Media front.

Oh there's certainly division, and we know who pushes it and is screaming that Trump needs to stop being mean, eh?  "If HE can change," they bleat.  Not biden and the left and Hamas and the Democrats, but...Trump.

Ben Domenech recognizes Dem cries for "unity" for what they are:  a way to cripple another Trump presidency, just as "Russia collusion" and "the Trump dossier" did his first term.

I can understand why this would be the impulse.  The man came a millimeter away from being murdered.  But in bowing to the Democrats' sudden call for "unity" message-- something the Democrats and Media elites always do when they fear being blamed when things happen that they triggered--Trump is about to make several mistakes.
   First he's sacrificing the moral high ground he now occupies. Second, he's surrendering to his critics, who have been screaming that Trump himself created the atmosphere that led to his near-death. And third, he's ignoring voter frustration with everything the Dems have done, to try to get plaudits from the Atlantic and the New York Times.
   And he'll keep trying to win their favor.  It's human nature to want the approval of the so-called "elites"--the cool kids, eh?

Call me a hardened skeptic, but history tells us --very clearly--that while "unity" *sounds* so wonderful, so *soothing, reassuring,* there can never be unity with the Left/Democrats.  Like communists, they never deal in good faith, never give up their objectives.

When our side loses we lick our wounds, return to our jobs and homes and get ready for the next challenge from the Dems.  But when Democrats (the Left) "lose"--just temporarily--the next day they're already making plans for how soon they can put the same issue back in play, this time with new arguments, new bribes to voters.  New commercially-printed slogans already mounted on sticks to be handed out to young marchers who know nothing about history.

Our side doesn't beat up leftists, or block traffic, particularly to airports.  Or key cars, or knife tires, or pour blood on cars, or spray-paint expletives on Dems' homes, or burn down cities.  We are, frankly, far too nice to leftist thugs who have no qualms at all about doing those things to us, or beating our kids and wives.

Leftist know they'll never be charged for even one of their myriad crimes, thanks to leftist, Soros-elected DAs like George Gascon, Kim Foxx, Larry Krasner, Chesa Boudin, Marilyn Moseby etc.  And now the Soros DAs have refined that even further: the may initially charge a handful of rioters, but all charges are quietly dropped later, after the crimes have fallen off the news cycle.  So the Dem DAs look tough, but don't prosecute.

Say, you don't suppose that failure has any effect on the eagerness of the Left's brownshirts to be even more violent next time, do ya?   


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