July 18, 2024

Outrageous DECREE from CA: shithead leftist judge upholds principal who punished first-grade girl for...

There are LOTS of stories about events here that the Media won't show you--so you don't believe it happened.  The only Americans who see these are those who live near the local TV station.

The only way anyone else sees 'em is if you read the U.K. Daily Mail or similar.  Fakebook and pre-Musk Twatter told you the Daily Mail was NOT to be trusted.  That was because people were beginning to realize the U.S. Media was totally corrupt and in the tank for the Democrat party.

But the following story is SO outrageous that I needed to confirm it.  And it's totally real, per the San Fran Chronicle yesterday.  Of course you'd never hear about it if you didn't read the Chron, cuz...uh...

California, 2021: a first-grade girl gave a female classmate a drawing that said "Black lives matter," under which the girl had written "all lives."

"All lives."  Let that sink in for a minute.

The classmate took the drawing home, where her parent saw it--and with the predictability of the sunrise, emailed the school demanding that they "take action."

Still remember the alleged "offense"?  "All lives," right?

So again predictably, the crazed socialist principal, Jesus Becerra, responded by telling the girl that what she wrote ("all lives," remember?) was "inappropriate and racist."  He then punished her by making her publicly apologize on the playground to her classmates and teachers, banning her from being allowed to go outside for recess, and from drawing pictures for two weeks.

This is the dictatorial horseshit running our public (government-run) schools.  And it gets way worse:

The girl's mother--understandably furious that her daughter had been harshly punished for NOTHING ("all lives," remember?)--sued, claiming her daughter's First Amendment rights had been violated.  But a shithead, socialist "judge" named David Card DECREED that the drawing "denigrated" an unnamed race.

Of course the cunning leftist judge didn't phrase it like that, because that would have exposed the forced, insane indoctrination.  Instead he wrote "Students have the right to be free from speech that denigrates their race while at school."  Which obviously implies that he found the phrase "all lives" to "denigrate" blacks.  Fucking horseshit.

The son of a whore (my opinion; his mom probably wasn't actually a whore but this prick sure acts like the son of one) added that the girl's writing "all lives" under the drawing was not protected by the First Amendment because of the age of the girl.

The son of a whore wrote:

An elementary school…is NOT a marketplace of ideas.  Thus, the downsides [sic] of regulating speech there is not as significant as it is in high schools, where students are approaching voting age and controversial speech could spark conducive conversation.

Ahh, so evidently the racist rat-bastard judge thinks adding the phrase "all lives" is "controversial speech," eh?

The shithead, Card, also wrote that [the principal’s] decision to discipline the girl belongs to him, not the federal courts," which would legalize punishment by a principal for ANY claimed offense.  What's next, "I don't like your shirt?"  "You didn't kiss the 'pride flag' when you entered your classroom"?

The shithead, Card, even admitted in his written RULING that

Undoubtedly [the girl's] intentions were innocent...she testified that she gifted the drawing to make the other girl feel comfortable after her class learned about Martin Luther King Jr.

Ah.  So...the shithead admits the girl was NOT trying to "denigrate" the race of the recipient, and yet he ruled that the principal was fine to punish the girl anyway. 

What twisted fucking nightmare are we living in?  Oh yeah...biden/harris/mayorkas/garland-rule

The mother is appealing the decree.  And now the shithead judge, Card, sensing that his insane, raaacist DECREE may well be overturned (judges hate that), told the San Francisco Chronicle that "the two girls have undoubtedly moved on from this incident that occurred three years ago.  The girl stated that the Drawing [sic] did not strain the friendship between them... They have taught us an important lesson about moving on."

Ahhh, "move on," eh?  So you defend your communist DECREE by bleating that since the two girls are fine, we need to ignore your bullshit DECREE that a) the phrase "all lives" was offensive and raaacist; b) that young people have no right of free speech; and c) that principals of public schools can punish any behavior they want, even if not offensive.  Wow.  You're a communist rat-bastard.  People like you should never be appointed to the bench.

Source: Daily Mail

U.S. source: San Francisco Chronicle 




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