July 17, 2024

Porridgebrain says he's about to propose HUGE changes to the Supreme Court

One of the hallmarks of a dictatorship is that if the legislature or judiciary does something the dictator doesn't like, he dissolves the legislature or packs the court with toadies.

Guess what, folks:  Yesterday the Dem-fellating Washington Post reports biden "is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court...including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices."  See, that's one way the Dems can get rid of justices they don't like.  (But as you'll see below, they have an even better way.)

But the Post also buries the most critical bomb in the 18th damn 'graf:  The Post's fellators say Porridgebrain will propose that two new justices be appointed every year!  If that were to become law, in just three years a Dem president would be able to appoint a majority of six ultra-liberal judges to the court.

biden's handlers crafted that cunning idea because their old plan of "packing the court," as FDR tried, was widely viewed as the power grab that it was.  Their new plan avoids that label--while achieving exactly the same result.

I suspect most of you didn't get that, so again: biden's "proposal" would allow Democrats and the Left to appoint a majority of the justices on the Supreme Court in just three years--thus achieving exactly the same goal as FDR's "packing the court" scheme.

The Post notes that "Biden previewed the shift in a Zoom call Saturday with the congressional Progressive Caucus."

Hmm...Saturday, y'say?  Would that be the same day a 20-year-old fruit-loop came within an inch of killing biden's rival?  Wow, dat beez timing, eh?

Now: bidenshit constantly bleats that Trump doesn't want to obey the Constitution.  Hmmm... What does that document say about the Supreme Court, eh?  Article 3, Section 1, asshole: "shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour."  i.e. no term limits.  biden wants term limits.  Wait...I thought biden constantly bleats that Trump wants to ignore the Constitution.  Wow, utter hypocrisy.

The Post piece didn't mention any proposal by Porridgebrain to amend the Constitution to do any of this, because that would expose the scam: his handlers surely know all their "proposals" would require amending the Constitution, which the Democrats don't have the support to do.  

This shows that the entire proposal is just a charade, designed to inflame Dem voters and the Left against the Supreme Court.  And why do that?  Every element of the proposal suggests it's designed to intimidate conservative justices so they'll be more likely to rule the way the Dems want.

Dems, feel free to show me why you believe that's wrong--that biden's intent is actually good for the nation.

Source: Washington Post



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