July 16, 2024

Synchronized videos from different cameras tell LOTS more about the attempt to kill Trump

Here ya go, folks:  Someone has used audio to sync several different videos of the assassination attempt.

What sync-ing does is show beyond doubt that after cops had seen Crooks on the grounds 30 minutes earlier, and had taken and sent photos of him to whoever was up the chain, spectators spotted him on the roof and pointed him out to cops and SS for 3 minutes or so before Crooks fired.

But the video also has lots more info: At 2+12 in the vid, in the upper-left quadrant you see a 20-foot-long white spray coming from a crane-like device.  The crane-like critter was holding a heavy set of loudspeakers in the air, and the spray is hydraulic fluid.  The line has to be pressurized to keep the load in the air.  So one of the shots hit the pressurized hydraulic line.

Unless you're into forensics this bit of info may not seem significant, but it sure as hell is, because if we assume Crooks acted alone it establishes with absolute certainty the path of one of the shots.

Now a second shot: starting at 2+35, on the right side of the screen you see people pointing to a location in the crowd.  It's in the left-side bank of seats, and they're pointing to a gunshot victim near the man bending over in the white T-shirt, a few rows from the top.

At 2+50 you can see other spectators coming to help.  From the location of the victim it's obvious that this shot wasn't the one that hit Trump, nor the one that hit the hydraulic line (though it's possible the bullet that hit Trump went on to hit the hydraulic line--something that can easily be determined).

But wait...one man in the crowd--the hero who took a bullet shielding his wife daughters--was killed, and two more were seriously injured.  We see the location of one victim (which one isn't clear from the video) at 2+50, so we have to account for two more victims. 

Three shots, evenly spaced--as if you counted 1,2,3 aloud--were fired before the counter-fire of at least 5 shots, almost at the same time.  Because of the even timing, those first 3 were almost certainly from Crooks.  Yet the Lying Media claim "law enforcement" is saying Crooks fired 8 shots.  He clearly did NOT.  

So which of the three shots you clearly hear in ALL the audio--the shots that by their even timing interval seem to have been fired by Crooks before the snipers took him out--hit the other two victims?

Of course it's quite possible some of Crooks' shots hit more than one victim--in which case the trajectories MUST line up.  If they clearly don't, watch for the number of shell casings the Fibbies report finding near his body, allegedly from his AR.  If more than three, it's a coverup.

The exact location of the other two victims--not shown on the above video--will tell the tale.  That's because bullets tend to travel in straight lines (well, except for the bullshit "magic bullet" in the Kennedy assassination that the Warren commission said made two sharp turns).  And a .223 round from an AR-15 is moving a LOT faster than most, so is even less inclined to be deflected.

Now:  At this point I think it's likely that Crooks is probably the only shooter.  But after watching all the utter horseshit by the vaunted commission charged with "investigating" the assassination of JFK, and the FBI's utter corruption about Hunty's abandoned laptop (which they had, and had determined to be authentic long before the cunning lie by the "51 intel agents"), I don't trust the FBI to tell the truth about anything.

After all the utter corruption clearly and unequivocally demonstrated by the FBI, if you still trust them, you deserve what you get.  Seriously, they're corrupt to the core, at least management.

So to repeat: I'm not claiming there were other shooters in the attempt to kill Trump, but rather urging Americans to save all this and then watch carefully to see if the "investigators" either make incontrovertible evidence vanish (as the Warren commission did), or else craft physically-impossible bullshit theories to explain why three shots from Crooks had four or more trajectories.

Source.  And thanks to Elon for spending $44 BILLION so this could reach Americans!



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