July 18, 2024

Video processing shows when the shooter thought "Pull," the shot was perfectly aimed to kill

One of the sneers leveled by Democrat skeptics about the attempt to kill Trump--"deniers," morons who claim the attack was staged--is the claim that the 410-foot shot was "so easy anyone could have done it," implying that because a shooter with a scoped rifle missed, somehow this wasn't real.

Yeah, I realize it isn't logical, but keep in mind you're dealing with morons like Joy Reid, Laurence O'Donnell, Rachel Madcow and the nasty, fat redhead Joy Behar, so...

Well you stupid Dem/Leftist sons of bitches, I wanna show ya something.  You won't understand it, but my friends will.  
   As anyone can easily find, a .223/5.56 round has a muzzle velocity of 3,100 to 3,300 feet per second.  So using the algebra you should have learned in high school (and right there we just lost every damn Democrat and Leftist, eh?), the time from muzzle to impact 410 feet away would be...well let's ask Joy Reid or Rachel Madcow, eh?

Oh, time's up.  Of course you knew, right?  Sure: about 12/100ths of a second, give or take a thousandth.

Now: Using the known locations of the shooter's body and Trump, someone used the same computer processing that lets football games give you a look from any angle to show what the shooter would have seen from his position, through a scope.

Now, by coincidence it also takes about 12/100ths of a second for a nerve impulse to go from your brain to your trigger finger.  (One percent of the population can shave this a bit, but not much).  So the person doing the video work took the vid of Trump as seen by the shooter, backed that vid up by just one-quarter of a second (12/100ths of a second times two, for shooter's nerve conduction time from the brain's command to fire, and the bullet's time to reach the target) and found...
   ...that when the shooter's brain commanded the trigger pull the shot was perfectly aimed.   Take a look:

(I think the second frame is off by a fraction of a second but I won't quibble.)

Two things saved our president's life: the head turn, and leaning into the mic to make a point.

Five degrees more head turn, or five less, or no lean, and he would have been killed, throwing the nation into chaos.  Since the GOP would have had no choice but to choose Nikki Haley--who was the next highest vote-winner in the primaries--as the nominee, the Democrats would likely have won--as they still may, since we haven't stopped the steal avenues.

Eh, I don't have kids, have plenty of money, ammo, engineering skills and a defensible position, so not my problem.  On the other hand, if you have kids or grandchildren--and want them to survive--then you have a problem.

If you're a Democrat, don't worry: everything's perfectly fine.  If you're a conservative and concerned, contact me.  I've been working on this problem for 40 years. 

Source 1.

Source 2. 




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