July 17, 2024

What does this photo tell ya?

Okay, sports fans, let's take another look at the near-assassination of President Trump last Saturday.  This is just so you'll have the information needed to know if the CIA and DOJ try to change the apparent facts, to support a different Narrative.

It's been reported that the Secret Service detailed to protect Trump was under-staffed.  I don't know.  But what we do know is that the SS has snipers.  So last Saturday, who was on the roof?  

Beats me, but the label on the back of the sniper closest to us clearly says "POLICE."  Strongly suggests they're not SS.

Now: the point of this post is that many Dem and Media bleaters are claiming the reason the 20-year-old would-be assassin wasn't killed before he got off three shots was that the "police" snipers couldn't see him due to the fact that he was on a roof that sloped "away" from the police snipers.

The camera that took the pic above is almost exactly level.  So we can measure the "depression angle" of the two weapons in the photo.  This angle is virtually identical to the slope of the roof Crooks was climbing--meaning they could see him before he reached his firing position at the high point of the roof.

Now, the snipers obviously had scopes, and when the above pic was snapped they were already in a firing position.  So why did they let Crooks fire before taking him out?  One conservative reporter found a former SS agent who said SS policy is NOT to shoot until the target has fired first, to avoid killing an innocent person who merely looked suspicious.  I can understand that.

Even more layers of "not our fault" when the snipers are police instead of SS, eh?  It's gonna be VERY interesting when the snipers testify to the various committees:  "Did you report that you could see the person on the roof?  Who did you believe you were talking to on the radio?  Did you ask permission to fire before he shot?  What did the person on your radio say?"

If the "police" are really police snipers and not SS in police insignia, they're unlikely to be motivated to protect SS...unless they're Democrats.

What does a corrupt agency head--like the utterly incompetent, corrupt Jill Biden crony who was (astonishingly) appointed to head the SS--do when he or she wants to block an investigation?  

Cheatle and the Dems know that it's crucial that no evidence of incompetence be revealed before the election, so they'll do everything they can to delay the investigation.  People subpoenaed to appear won't appear cuz they'll be said to be sick.  Some will have "family emergencies."  The Dems on the committee will throw up every possible procedural roadblock to delay, knowing that if the Dem party can pull off another steal the investigation will...stop.

If Trump should win in November, Dems in congress will fight on to muddy the waters, so the final report says "No corruption, no incompetence, just following long-established procedure."


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