July 26, 2024

The ones who bleated "We're saving our precious democracy" totally ignored voters

It should come as no surprise to any adult American that it takes money to win elections.

How much depends on what level you're looking at, and whether the race between R and D is "competitive," but it's certain that this year each partei [sic] will spend well over a Billion dollars to win the presidency.

Now: In March of 2020--leading up to the previous presidential election--all the major Democratic primary candidates abruptly, mysteriously, and in near-unison withdrew from the presidential race, ceding the nomination to biden.

Since he (and the steal) won, this doesn't strike a single American as unusual.  But that's because most of you have no memory for anything beyond your immediate reach.  And fair enough: you have far more pressing concerns, like paying your taxes and feeding your families.  I get it.
What you've forgotten (or never knew) is that in 2020 Biden had lost the first three primaries (Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada).  With such a lousy showing, why would ALL his opponents drop out--at virtually the same time?

Yet suddenly, on the eve of what should have been the decisive Super Tuesday mega-primaries, the candidacies of front-runner Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren and others simply...evaporated.

The front-runner at the time was socialist Bernie Sanders, and party strategists--people whose names you almost never hear--realized that if Sanders won the nomination, not only would Democrats lose in a landslide to incumbent Donald Trump, but the party would also likely lose big in House and senate races.

That prospect prompted the donor class and political insiders to act.

And they did so by choosing the candidate the insiders wanted: biden.  Then all they had to do was convince all the other Democrat candidates--including front-runner Sanders--to quit.

Ah, y'say you think that's impossible?  Could nevah happen?  Really?  Before last Sunday you wouldn't have believed party insiders could pressure a sitting president to quit the race either, right?  

Still think it's impossible that insiders ordered everyone but biden out of the race in 2020?

Now even in 2020 Biden was known to have  obvious symptoms of serious cognitive decline.  It didn't matter, because a senile president can be managed by his handlers--the real power.  And Hussein Obama had ensured that biden's staff was composed of Obama loyalists.

biden was simply an affable figurehead, appearing at ceremonial functions, while the real decisions were made by Obama loyalists, consultants and advisors.

Think I'm kidding?  Does anyone remember the last ex-president who, on leaving the office, bought a home in Washington and stayed close?  Let us know when you learn.

In the last year, as biden’s obvious mental decline worsened and he had more unhinged episodes, polls began suggesting a landslide victory for Trump--and worse, likely a big Democratic loss in Congress.  Democrat insiders knew biden's unpopularity meant voters would be less likely to show up, meaning they'd get wiped out in congressional races.  But with the primaries over, and joe the clear winner, how could they replace him?  Their only hope was a long-shot:

Joe had won 98% of the primary vote.  He was clearly, absolutely the party's legal nominee.  They knew they could force him out as president using the 25th, but that would trigger a huge fight within the party.  BUT...if the insiders could somehow get biden to resign as the Democrat nominee before the party's national convention, and drop in Harris instead, they could avoid putting that question to voters.  That would instantly give the Democrats two huge advantages:

First they'd no longer be trying to support a senile 81-year-old, so could now bleat that Trump was too old to be president.  And second, the move would get millions of blacks, and women who reported themselves unaligned with either party, to vote Dem.

But how could the party's rulers make that switch--without asking their voters--when their endless bleat for three years has been "We're the folks preserving ouah precious democracy from duh Orange Hitler" eh?

"Don't worry," said Mainstream Media editors and producers.  "We'll make sure voters never see that as an issue."

And that's what happened.

So on Sunday, July 21—almost a month before the party's convention—Dem bosses, mega-donors and Obama lackeys triggered the coup.  They reportedly threatened Biden that unless he resigned as the nominee and endorsed Harris for president, they would withhold all funding.  If losing funding wasn't enough to persuade him, they threatened to use the 25th Amendment to force him out of the presidency.

The utter hypocrisy of party rulers, claiming to be the ones "saving our precious democracy" while also forcing out the man selected by nearly 15 million voters in the primaries, is breathtaking.  No voters or convention delegates were consulted. No other alternative Democrat candidates were even considered.

The winner of the primaries was thrown out, and Harris was crowned—with absolutely no input from the voters that the Democrat party constantly bleats are so important.

But interestingly, biden didn't resign his presidency, instead specifically stating he'd serve out his remaining six months in office.  The utter oddity of this arrangement was instantly recognized by most Americans--and just as quickly ignored by the Media.

Apparently the deal the party rulers offered biden was that if he renounced the nomination, they'd let him stay in office for the rest of his term.

So to review: when Democrat party rulers decided they were holding a losing hand, they unilaterally decided to switch nominees to a younger one who had the crucial advantages of being female and arguably minority--but who hadn't gotten a single vote from the public.

Interestingly, neither the Party nor biden ever mentioned the specific reason why biden was resigning as the party's nominee.  Was it the dementia?  If so, how can he possibly be allowed to remain as president until January 20th?  When the rulers of the Democrat party realized they were likely to lose control of the senate if they kept biden, they simply removed the senile winner of their many primaries—but insisted he was still fit enough to be president until January 20th.

If that strikes you as odd, the rulers of the Democrat party don't care.  They don't have to explain the oddity, cuz...democracy, eh?

And again, the party bosses’ chosen replacement for biden didn't enter a single primary, never won a single delegate.  In fact Harris also didn't win a single delegate in her only attempt to win the nomination the usual way in 2020.  She dropped out of the race even before the first Iowa and New Hampshire balloting.

The irony is that all the back-room, insider decisions were made by people who as they were planning the coup, endlessly, sanctimoniously bleated to Americans that they were the ones “saving our precious democracy."  Wow.

H/T (extensively adapted from) Victor Davis Hanson


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