July 25, 2024

NBC headline: "Democrats optimistic that they finally have the first female president"

Sub-head: "Though sexism and racism still pervade the U.S., Kamala Harris enters the race with some unique weapons Hillary Clinton didn't have eight years ago."

<<Ahh, the Media love-fest with Cackles is in full swing!  This is the moment they've all been waiting for: the revenge for Trump defeating the faaaabulously honest, law-abiding Hilliary in 2016!  All the Democrats' dreams will become reality if they cheat hard enough!  And you gotta love how the 4th word in the sub-head bleats that the U.S. is still RAAAAaaacist.  Oh you bet, asshole, after we elected a half-black Muslim socialist prezzy for 8 interminable years.

July 24, 2024, by Ali Vitali, NBC
    "In Vice President Kamala Harris’ quick, if unorthodox, rise to the top of the Democratic ticket..."

Wait, whut?  "Unorthodox," admits Ali?  How so?  If there's anything "unorthodox" about Cackles' "rise to the top of the Dem ticket" surely propagandist Ali Vitali will explain what's "unorthodox" about it, eh?  Nah, the article avoids the slightest mention of that, cuz duh Dems don' wanna discuss that at all.

Eight years after Trump beat Hillary Clinton, Harris could be the first female president and the first Black woman to hold the nation’s top job, as well.

Hey NBC, here's a flash for ya: Cackles is NOT black.  Not a drop.  Mom is dot-Indian, dad is Jamaican.  She was declared black by the Dems, eagerly parroted by the Lying Media, because the Democrat party wanted black votes, period.  And the parrots in the Mainstream Media--like NBC--were delighted to go along with the lie, cuz it helped the Democrat party.

In 2016, Clinton’s behemoth campaign and perceived air of inevitability left some Democrats unengaged and resting on their laurels.

Yep, and they learned from that--which is why this year we'll see the corrupt polls showing the race a breathtaking tie to get Dems to vote.  But of course the actual vote doesn't matter.  All that matters is what Democrat "election workers" report as the official results.  And once those are reported, 2020 showed us they can't be challenged, no matter how much evidence of massive fraud.

Source: NBC "newz"



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