July 24, 2024

How far have we fallen? Not enough electrons on the planet to tell ya, but start here:

The men who founded this nation crafted a brilliant system of government, which enabled far greater prosperity than any prior nation on Earth had experienced.  And because of our brilliant form of government, and unrivaled prosperity no other nation has ever had such influence over the world.

Unfortunately that influence works equally well whether the goals influencers seek are good or evil.  And if one is honest and not evil you can't deny the corruption that has overtaken every inch of our government, schools and what currently passes for "entertainment."  

The U.S., as currently corrupted, is pushing the most vile "lifestyles" on the world.  Our "elites" and the "entertainment industry" are pushing, selling, pure wickedness.  Pols in other nations--other than China and Russia--see what the U.S. is doing and like magic, the crap our evil folks do is copied in their countries.

Your elites have spent billions on cartoons and TV shows and movies showing your children not just that LGBT people should be tolerated, but that they're totally, utterly "cool."  Look at the disproportionate number of LGBTs on TV--always shown as cool.  Your kids see that and think that's the way to be hip, edgy.  Cool.

The fact that Hollywood pushes this crap is bad enough.  Big "wokie" corporations are just as bad, eagerly supporting "pride month" and all the other LGBT bullshit without caring that such support encourages your children to be part of the "kool kids" by declaring themselves to be gay or tranny.  Sometimes they don't even have to declare: cunning school staff do it for them.

But what's far more outrageous is the fact that the Democrats have commanded--via executive orders and control of school boards--that public schools push all this.  And they're using your tax dollars to do it.  

That should outrage most of you.  But if you're like most Democrats it doesn't bother you a bit.  You view the pro-LGB, pro-tranny push as merely "teaching tolerance" (which is admirable if it goes both ways.  Spoiler: the Left doesn't tolerate you).  But instead the propaganda promotes the behavior.  You don't see that, because as adults you've forgotten how desperately almost all kids (from age 10 or so) want to be part of the "kool crowd."

If that doesn't ring any bells with ya, you're definitely in the right party.

Americans older than 50 or so may recall that when we were young the Democrats screamed to high heaven that we *had to get God out of the schools:*  They DEMANDED that schools not start the day with a prayer, demanded no school or courthouse or city hall display the Ten Commandments.  But they now allow every classroom to display the "pRide flag"--and every parent just nods and goes away.

After the Democrats won every fight on "no prayer in public schools," some schools in flyover country began starting the day with "a moment of silence."  The Left then DEMANDED that even such a benign thing as a moment of silence be banned, lest some students use it as encouragement to pray!

Do you not see how utterly planned all this is?

If you're a Democrat, you don't.  You see it as showing how tolerant and virtuous you are.  You say banning a moment of silence in schools is just carrying out the Constitution's command that "Congress shall ensure that there is a Wall of Separation between church and State," right?  
After all, they taught us that in school, right?  

Maybe they taught you that, but if so they should be fired, because that line isn't in the Constitution.

Unfortunately, just complaining about Hollywood garbage or perverted "elites" or corrupt Democrat politicians does no good at all--because they own the government and Media and the schools and the so-called "entertainment industry."  Even elections are now suspect--you're not even allowed to submit sworn affidavits suggesting fraud.

America has fallen in direct relation to the gullibility of most citizens.  We've allowed plainly evil politicians and Hollywood executives, and "wokie" school boards to make being LGBT "totally cool," and to get most Americans to cheerfully walk off the cliff by calling it "tolerance."   

I've got nothing at all against gays--most of the one's I've met have been delightful people.  I have a problem with pushing it on kids as a way to be cool--which is exactly what's been happening for years.


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